The 6th Harbinger On The Run

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This is a Kazuscara story. I don't quite understand the theory that started this ship but I like it so here we are.

Scaramouche's POV
I let out a sigh of relief. Having just avoided being spotted by the guards. This is such a pain. I can't risk being spotted with the Fatui after me. Not to mention being a Fatui harbinger I'm not exactly welcome here. The only way out is a boat. But how the hell do I get a boat out of Inazuma without being spotted? I'm starting to regret not making any good relations. Having an ally would be helpful right now.

It's dark out now. At least it makes it easier to sneak around. I allow myself to relax for a moment before I pick up on a familiar tune. I look around for the source of the sound, spotting the silhouette of a person sitting under a tree. I move closer, intrigued by the melody. I've heard it before. I know I have. I could make out features as I came closer. It seemed to be a male(though you can never know for sure these days). He had white haired tied up into a low ponytail from what I could see. He also had a bit of red in his bangs. I won't even try to describe his clothing. His eyes were closed and he was holding a leaf in his mouth. The strange part was the fact that the music seemed to be coming from the leaf. He looks familiar and not at the same time. I racked my brain for the answer before a certain face came to mind. No doubt it had to be him. He's older now. Naturally. I sighed. Actually this might work out in my favor. Assuming his personality hasn't changed much he might just help me with my problem. I took in a breath, mentally preparing myself for this. I'll have to act nice. Ugh.

I approached the boy. He didn't appear to notice me as he just continued to play(or whatever you call it)his leaf. I don't think I will ever understand how that works. I didn't really want to interrupt his performance though. I actually quite enjoy his music, even now after everything I've done. I suppose it brings good memories to surface. I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts. Good memories mean nothing to me. All that matters is getting what I want. Regardless I sit crisscross in front of him, listening in silence.

I open my eyes when the melody stops, having closed them. I suppose I was a little tired after spending my days constantly on the move. I'm alerted to the fact that he is now looking at me with a small smile on his face. "Hello there. I trust you enjoyed my music old friend." He spoke. He's so soft spoken and calm it's almost scary. I've heard bits and pieces of what's happened to him since I last saw him. How can he be so relaxed after all that? I sigh. "It's good to see you too Kazuha." I said. His name sounded so strange and wrong coming from my mouth. After all...he probably doesn't even know what I his clan. I shake my head. No need to think about that now. He hums. "Is something wrong? I know it's been quite some time since we last conversed but something else seems to be bothering you." He questions, ever observant. I groan. "I suppose there's no hiding from you. Alright. Since you asked...I'm in need of a place to stay. I won't get into details but I've made some powerful people angry and so I'be been on the run." I explained, sounding as if I was reluctant to do so. I don't want him to know the only reason I stayed is because I need his help. He blinks. "Oh my. I see. Well. Recently my estate was returned to me. Though I've only visited once. Honestly I'm afraid I can no longer call is home seeing as I have become acquainted with my life as a wanderer. Though you can certainly stay there. No one else stays there aside from me, and even then it likely won't be much..." He said. I blinked. I felt...guilty. I destroyed his life and now he feels he can no longer return to that life. I sigh. "I suppose a thank you is in order. I owe you one." I say. He shakes his head. "No need. It's not a bother and besides, it's the least I can do for a friend." He insists. I force a soft smile. He's way too nice, as always. "Well then, if that's the case then I suppose I'll leave you here. Seeing as I do remember where your place is." I say in a lighthearted tone. He nods. "Very well. Though I may visit later to ensure you find everything to your liking." He informs me. I nod. "Alright, see you later then." I say as I turn to leave. I turn around briefly to wave.

That went smoothly as expected. Oh oblivious and trusting. I wonder if I can use him to do anything else.

-To Be Continued-

Well. There's room for a part 2 but what would happen next?

That's a request for requests.

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