Exorcist Meets Conqueror Of Demons

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I love the idea of these two interacting.


Chongyun and Xiao meet but Chongyun gets riled up by Xiao's rudeness to the exorcists. He loses control of his Yang energy because of this and insists on fighting Xiao. Xiao refuses and Chongyun eventually crashes.


Wangshu Inn is bustling with activity.

Many travelers had come to rest here today.

One such traveler was a young exorcist with frosty blue hair.

The exorcist had been investigating rumors of an evil spirit at Stone Gate but never found anything, as per usual.

It was hot outside and the exorcist was starting to run out of the popsicles that he used to keep himself from overheating.

So, he stopped by Wangshun Inn to rest, maybe even get a nice cold meal.

Verr Goldet was very nice to Chongyun as he was getting a room. She even offered to have Smiley Yanxiao make Chongyun an extra special cold dish for a discounted price.

Chongyun promptly declined the offer and instead reminded the woman of his services as an exorcist, should she ever need it.

Although, when she told him she would not be needing his services anytime soon, she was unusually confident.

Not in a 'doesn't believe in the supernatural' kind of way. Rather a 'nothing will happen to this place as long as I'm around' sort of way. Although, Chongyun had a feeling whatever made her so confident wasn't her own ability. No offense.


The room he was given was plenty spacious, holding a single bed and wardrobe. Along with a small bathroom attached. The decorations were quite simple and warm, giving the room a cozy feel.

He sat his bag down beside the bed. It didn't contain much. Just the Field Guide to Demons and Beasts, popsicles(before they were all consumed), and some basic camping and medical supplies.

Satisfied, Chongyun exited the room.

He hadn't been here very many times, only stopping occasionally when on the hunt for evil spirits.

So, he figured he could look around while here. Just gotta make sure he isn't drawn into any conflicts.

Not too difficult since it was usually rather calm at Wangshu Inn.

After walked around a bit, observing some of the other guests, Chongyun found himself at the balcony.

He took in a breath, reveling in the cool breeze.

The air here was nice, it calmed his vital energies.

But, there was something unusual.

Chongyun paid it no mind at first, seeing as whatever it was didn't seem to be a threat.

But, then he started to get the feeling that he was being watched.

He hates the feeling of eyes on him.

He turned around, looking up at the roof top. The eyes left him as he turned and he saw no one there.

Than again, he didn't have a good view of the roof from down here...


Chongyun huffed, getting up there was not easy.

There wasn't any good way to climb up. Probably because this roof was not made for people to climb onto without the use of a ladder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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