It's NaNoWriMo(NAS)

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It's NaNoWriMo!  For those that don't know it's basically a November writing challenge where you write a story consisting of at least 50,000 words in the month of November.

If you want to sign up you should be able to copy paste the above or search NaNoWriMo. If it doesn't prompt you to create your project after created an account, just go to projects, announce new projects, click associate with NaNoWriMo event(I think). And then fill out the rest with whatever you want. I think it should automatically set your goal to that of the event.

This challenge starts today and ends on November 30th so if you want to participate sign up today.

So for me. I will be doing a Genshin Impact fanficiton(split into 5 parts on here so it'll be easier to read). Of course I'll post the story anyways but let's see if I can finish this 50,000+ word story in 30 days.

So look forward to this super long fanfiction.

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