The Newest Of The Fatui Harbingers x3 + More: Liyue

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So I think timeline would be after Sumeru Archon quest but before Fontaine Archon quest.

Just pointing out that the only one, if anyone, Dottore will be romantically shipped with in this story is Pantalone. Just so you know. The people who are joining the Fatui in this story are more like his friends or even his family. Father Dottore 😌.

Featuring Dottore and Childe's love hate relationship that is totally canon. Yep. Totally.

This ended up being like 18000 words. :p So, long.


Dottore moves on to Liyue, where he finally finds the first of the three to fill the ranks of the harbingers + one more.


Dear Regator,

I found some interesting people. Unfortunately only one of them has the strength to join our ranks. Even more unfortunate is the fact that he has no interest in becoming a harbinger. But, I am bringing both of them back with me. So at least we'll have this guy on our side. Also, I kinda promised the other guy - who is an architect- that the Fatui would provide him with the funds and he can create whatever he wants. So sorry, but you'll have to deal with all that. I'm not giving you any choice. Sucks to suck.

The architect's name is Kaveh and the other ones name is...well he told me to call him whatever, so I call him Kuni or Wanderer(the name given to him by someone else).

Your favorite gay,


The doctor nodded in satisfaction at the hand written letter.

"Yes, I think that about covers everything. Hmm, yep. Nothing else to it."

Kaveh looked up from where he was sketching in his sketchbook, setting his pencil down.

Mehrak was resting on the table next to him in the cabin that was being used as a work space.

"What are you writing?"

Kaveh felt confident enough to pry into Dottore's work just a bit. A few days living on a boat together and the trio had come to be more comfortable with each other.

Dottore turned to him with an almost manic grin.

"Just writing a letter to a dear friend...more specifically, another Harbinger. The Regator, and the one that will handle all of your financial stuff, whether he wants to or not."

Kaveh frowned.

"Oh, am I inconveniencing him? I mean, I don't need that much freedom. I'll just make do with whatever I get, no problem."

Dottore shook his head, a soft smile on his face.

Kaveh was so happy when Dottore had told him he wouldn't have to worry about costs when it came to his work. But, when faced with the thought of it bothering others, Kaveh put his own desires on the back burner.

"No, no. It's no inconvenience. Pantalone should I put this...a hoarder of money. He hates spending money unnecessarily. But, he is insanely rich. A mere building will hardly put a dent in his bank account. So you needn't worry. He'll probably complain but in the end, I'm sure once he meets you,
he'll want to see you live your dream as much as I do. After all, you are adorable when you smile."

Kaveh went red.

"Ah! That's good! But, I am not cute or adorable, of anything of the sort!!"

Dottore snorted.

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