The Newest Of The Fatui Harbingers x3 + More: Sumeru

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This bit before the actual story is long this time.

This is for November writing challenge or NaNoWriMo, where you have to write a 50,000 word story. So. This may end up being very long but I will split it up into several parts(I'm thinking at least 5 parts maybe)so don't worry about 1 part being insanely long. Around 10,000 words each.

Some characters, like Kaveh, I haven't played the story for yet so all I know about them is what I got from the wiki and from clips on YouTube.

Going on the theory(not sure if it was ever confirmed) that Pierro isn't considered one of the eleven harbingers and Capitano is the 1st. Keep in mind of best boi Scara erasing himself so therefore he was never the 6th harbinger as far as most people are aware.

Also I'm not sure if Dottore knows Wanderer since the whole erasing himself thing so we're going with the idea that Dottore does not remember ever meeting Wanderer. Also pretending that Dottore didn't do what he did regarding Wanderer's past because Dottore is totally just a lil silly billy in this story.

Also some non canon familial situations probably. Maybe not in this part but I can think of at least one that I have planned right now.

This first part of the story will focus on the Sumeru people who will join the Fatui in this story.

Please keep in mind that this is crack and I do not condone the kidnapping of random children(??? not sure how old some of these characters are) or random adults. I simply think that Dottore would in fact kidnap a bunch of people if given the chance.

Of course there will be ooc. I definitely wrote Dottore with a curious(?) personality. He'll get really interested in machines, certain interesting traits of other characters, the details of what someone does, etc. He's a bit soft(?). I actually think soft Dottore is a tag on ao3.

This is cracked and cringe with angst and Narrator-Kun needs a break.

Oh. For peeps new to my stories I named my Narrator Narrator-Kun. Yes that is his name. I might also post the art I drew of him in this book. Sometimes you may see him address you readers, don't be alarmed he just does that sometimes.


The ranks of the Fatui harbingers has three empty spaces. So, they must find three people to fill the role as the Tsarista's vanguard. And it also couldn't hurt to pick up a few more orphans.


Dottore kidnaps some kids(well I actually think at least most of them are adults) and shoves them face first into the Fatui.


Dottore was given a task. A bothersome task.

The ranks of the harbingers had already been lacking a 10th and 6th for many years.

Now that Rosalyne has passed by the hands of the electro Archon, the harbinger's numbers have diminished even more.

So, after the events of Sumeru, Dottore was given this most troublesome task.

It was actually rather simply written in the letter he received from her majesty, that contained the order.

'Find three people to fill the void in the ranks of my Vanguard'

Simple right?

Dottore thought not.

Finding people to fill the role of a Harbinger was not at all a simple task.

Firstly, these people had to be physically strong or have a lot of power over something like Pantalone did over the economy.

Secondly, it would be best if these people had no family ties, at least none that they would care about.

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