Author's Note

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Hi guys!! Thank you all for the crazy amount of love on my last story "Something Else". I enjoyed writing it so so much, and I felt really sad about ending it, but I knew that it had to be done.

However... I love the dynamic between Eddie and Y/n so much and I didn't want to just leave that completely. So this book is going to be able their adventures on the road after they left Hawkins for the summer, BUT:

If any of you have any specific scenes or interactions you'd like to see, or places you think would be cool for them to visit, then please comment them as well! I want this book to be a fun little way to keep the story going, so I want everyone to be involved.

I'm going to start writing this as soon as I can, and I'll probably post the first chapter in a few days!

Love you guys and thank you for all of the incredible support over the past few months ♥️

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