CH 8 : Of Visions and Voices

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Adamant that she didn't want to spend the rest of her day pent up in the "pit stain" that was the Wheelers' basement, Max demanded Steve drive her for a few final stops "just in case." He put up a good fight, but Max was incredibly stubborn, and Steve was always a pushover when it came to those kids.

"Henderson," he'd said, his tone very accusatory, as they were all climbing into his car, "that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst."

"Don't doubt me," Dustin had snarked back.

Max's first stop was her trailer. "I'll be quick. Twenty seconds," she said just before slamming the door.

Twenty seconds passed, and every guy in the car grew incredibly anxious and paranoid. "It's been too long," Dustin said.

"We better go get her," Lucas added.

"I'm sure she's fine, right?" Steve waited for someone to agree, and when no one did, he became even more antsy. "Right?"

"Give her another minute," June said, trying to buy Max a little more time before they all went hurtling in there on a mission. She thought of the letters, of how Max was probably just saying something meaningful to her mom on top of putting those notes where they would be found.

But a minute later went by, and Max looked ashen when she ran back out to the car. "Let's go."

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened?" Steve asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. Just drive," she snapped. Her eyes were wild, her breathing erratic, but she wouldn't budge, and they couldn't make her.

Max didn't say where they were headed next, but the directions she gave led straight to the cemetery. Straight to Billy.

"What are we doing here?" Dustin asked the moment Max left the car.

"Beats me, Henderson," Steve sighed.

"Billy," June told them both.

Lucas waited a moment, then climbed out of the car to wait for her there, leaning against the door. They watched as Max hiked up a hill and sat with her legs crossed in front of a headstone. Out of her pocket she pulled out another letter, and June had to look away.

Unlike June, Steve kept watch. "She's taking too long," he mumbled, glancing at his watch. "It's been a while."

"Quit being so impatient," June scolded him.

To her surprise he relaxed, but not for long. A few more minutes went by, long enough that even June was looking now, and it didn't seem like Max was finished. It didn't even look like she was moving at all.

Alarm raced through June. "Something's wrong." She scrambled out of the car, Steve right behind her, and together they hustled up the hill. There on the ground Max's body was twitching, once again caught in a trance-like state, and her white eyes were flickering the way they had the last time June saw her.

"Max!" June screamed. "Max, wake up! Snap out of it, Max!"

Steve yelled with her, even clapped his hands like that would do the trick, but nothing changed. Lucas and Dustin came racing their way, but June made them stop, yelled out, "Radio Nancy and Robin! We need an answer now!"

Lucas ran faster, fear etched on his face as he dove for Max, but Dustin did as June asked and returned to the car for the walkie. She watched him yell frantically into it, then after what felt like ages, begin rifling through the car for something.

"Max, wake up, Max! Open your eyes!"

Out of nowhere Max's bag went soaring into the middle of their huddle. Dustin launched himself after it, her Walkman in his hands. "What's her favorite song?" he screamed. "We need her favorite song!"

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