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My name is Katlyn Schelle. I am a seventeen-year-old girl. I've been asked to participate in an exchange with our new 'friends'. Oh! Turns out aliens are real! I'm fairly certain they only asked me because I was the only one who is an idiot enough to actually say yes, but that is beside the point.

Since I've made yet another one of my bad ideas, I've been asked to keep a journal of my experiences so I guess this is kind of a progress report? I dunno. I'm guessing if you are reading this, then you know about everything but if not, I'll lay it out. I know well that you may need more than one explanation.

So, here are the facts.

One, aliens are real, fun!

Two, they are friendly, we think?

Three, they have no clue what humans are actually like.

Sure, they are a few thousand years more advanced than us but that doesn't mean they understand us in the least. And we don't understand them. Just like the country cultural exchanges except we're all a little terrified of each other and millions of light-years away from home. So I guess not that different? I don't know, this is my first time dealing with any of this and I am a little unsure and shitting myself right now.  Yeah yeah, I should stay on track but that doesn't stop me from being freaked out.

Okay! Back on track! So, I'm going to Epsilion (at least that is what it's English translation is), the 'homeworld.' The Krelks are the first ones who reached out to us but there are hundreds of more races out there. But given the fact that the Krelk were the first ones they are going to be our guide or whatever. And I guess that starts with this cultural exchange.

I guess I already kind of explained it but let me try again. I guess I've been one of twelve 'chosen ones' to be the face of humanity. A really bad idea I know but eh. I've been given an interstellar passport and a translator, I'm still kind of getting used to that. Do you know that they implant it in your head?! Crazy right? Anyways, apparently, the passport thingy will let me go anywhere in the alliance. Which is actually a bunch of planets and races that have come together to form an alliance, duh. And the translator will translate most of what is being said. It's fairly accurate except a few flaws, it tried to tell me that the organizer of this was from a planet made out of tacos. I don't think that's right but what do I know? Maybe there is a planet made out of tacos.

I know I know! Getting off track again.

So, in short, what's going to happen is that I'll go to Epsilion, live there for a year (or more), and teach the Krilks about human life, at least mine. In exchange, ten Krilks will come to Earth and teach us about themselves. Pretty basic when you boil it all down.

So yeah, that's the rundown. To be honest, I'm pretty terrified.

Now that I've done the introduction thing they asked me to, I'm going to start the journal. But because I get bored easily and no kind of report, even about aliens and living with them, will keep my attention. I'm turning this into a book of sorts. I know it's not what I was asked to do but I can always turn it into an actual report later on if need be.

So, I guess here I go.

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