Coming of Age: Chapter 15

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In the past week, I had been learning everything I could. Well, more particularly about the coming of age ceremony. To be honest, I was starting to get nervous about it. My entire body will be tattooed. I always liked the idea of tattoos, the pain of them not so much.

"You don't need to worry. Your aunt is going to be here in a few hours and then the ceremony. You know everything you need to know and are prepared," Adina says and I smile, nervous.

"I know, I'm just a bit scared," I say, looking into the mirror.

I was wearing a beautiful dress. It was simple, which I adored. It was a pale blue and loose. It had a bodice of a thicker fabric so it's not exactly flowy, but under that are loose layers of blue fabric. They are slightly different colors so it looks as if a rolling ocean is draped over me.

"Are you sure this is what I should wear?" I ask, playing with the skirt.

"Yes, in fact, you are slightly underdressed. This is something that we don't take lightly, moving from an adolescent to a young adult," Adina says and I nod, turning to look at her.

"And I'm not being stuck in a room with a leaf in my mouth?" I ask, trying to joke.

"No no. You already went through enough. Today, you will be washed and blessed by one of The Mother's high priestesses. Afterward, you will be tattooed by the high priestess and her disciples. She will then wash you again, to purify you. Just like you learned. And remember, once you step out of this room, you aren't to speak a word," Adina says and I nod, understanding.

"I know. Thank you, Adina," I say, smiling at her.

She leans in and gives me a short, chaste kiss. I sigh and lean in closer, appreciating it.

"Now let's go," Adina says, and I nod, already falling into silence.

She takes my arm in hers and pulls me close, comforting me. We were in a small room off to the side of the ceremony hall. There was a large wooden door that leads to the ceremony hall and that was our destination. Every coming of age ceremony by the palace was held in the palace. And mine was no different.

Adina knocks on the door and it swings open on silent hinges. The sight on the other side nearly takes my breath away. It was a large circular room with soaring ceilings. It was made out of rough-cut stone and was one of the oldest rooms in the palace. There was a pure white runway-like carpet on the stone floors and it was linned with large candles around chest high for me.

Behind the candles was a whole host of people. Most of them I recognize from either my welcoming party or the trial, although my eyes are on one person at the end of the path, Aunt Cass.

I hadn't seen her yet and to see her in person, smiling at me as I come down the aisle, it made me want to run and hug her. Adina must sense that this is where my mind is going and grips onto my arm tighter, holding me back for which I am grateful.

At the end of the aisle, is a large circle with even more people around it. Inside is a large rectangle of water and five women, all in similar dresses. Four of them are wearing a pure white dress that goes down to the floor with a high neckline. Over that, is an ornate overcoat, tied with a bright red sash. On the edges of the overcoat, beads are sewn in swirls and what closely resembles flames.

The fifth woman was entirely different. Instead of the white underdress, hers was bright red. She had a similar overcoat, but with much more beading and extravagance. And instead of a bare head with only hair, a silky scarf of red material was covering it. Atop the scarf, was an ornate headband, keeping the scarf in place. Looking into her bright green eyes, I was scared of her.

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