Chapter 1: One Summer Day

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July 23rd, just another day in my extremely disinteresting life. I had just finished the day of food delivery on my bicycle and sat at home in my small, 1 room apartment on the first floor of a street we will simply call here Nowhere Street. I want to say the time was around 7 PM, but during days like these, time was hardly a thing I kept track of. In any case, I do remember it being a Friday. As with all Fridays, I needed to take out my trash.

"I should start cooking again," I thought as I carried the trash bag filled with mostly empty ramen containers out of my apartment. The thought was an empty one like many empty thoughts one has during low times in their life. "I need to work out more, I need to rekindle with an old friend, I need to cook for myself again," such thoughts are constantly filling our brains to allow us to pretend as if we give attempts to discipline ourselves to become better people. Without a proper reason and motivation behind doing such things beyond the simple "that's what everyone else says is good for you," or "that's what everyone else is doing" though, such thoughts are hardly ever acted upon for more than a week at a time.

Intrusive thoughts aside, I made my way to the dumpster that day, a large black rectangular dumpster bin commonly found in every one of the 50 states in America.

"What show should I watch today?" I thought before opening the dumpster, "Wait no... I should be coming up with a story idea. But maybe a show will give me the inspiration I need? No that's not how it works you need discipline..."

As the inner parts of my mind bickered at each other when I approached the dumpster however, it was at that moment that something not so ordinary in the most ordinary of towns, on the most ordinary of days, at the most ordinary of dumpsters took place.


A loud clashing noise suddenly came from inside the dumpster startling me.

"A raccoon?" I thought. Surely there had to be some small animal inside the dumpster to produce such a noise. I couldn't back down now though; my apartment was far too small to contain too many trash bags full of empty ramen cups. Gathering up my courage, I approached dumpster bin door.

"Maybe it's a portal to another world," I chuckled calming myself a bit. I had been watching too many Isekai shows again. That would be nice wouldn't it? Too bad real life did not hold such wonderful events. I gulped, preparing myself to potentially be attacked by whatever was inside. Before I could reach my hand to open up the lid however, as if a portal really was about to open into my world, the lid suddenly popped open on its own.


I fell over onto the ground.

"What sort of creature..."

My thoughts were once again interrupted as I looked back up at the dumpster.

"A... A girl?"

Standing in front of me with her feet fully inside the contents of the dumpster, there in plain view, stood a girl with long dark hair looking at me with dark eyes and a blank expression. We just stayed there motionless for a brief moment.

"He...hello," I managed to blurt out. The girl looked to be a couple years younger than me though with the copious amounts of dirt on her face, I couldn't really tell her exact age. Her body proportions seemed to suggest her being at least an adult however.

"Do you have food?"

"Wha... what?"

"Food," the girl repeated, "I'm hungry,"

The Vagabond Girl of NothingtownМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя