Chapter 5: Running Away

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              Another 5 days passed after my meeting with Mr. Tusin. Since then I invested a bit of money to afford Dandelion a comfortable sleeping bag to lie inside of as well as some new clothes and shoes. This did not prevent her from choosing not to wear shoes and climb into my bed at night anyways, but at least my conscious felt a little better.

The same routine from before continued as I worked on my story in the mornings while Dandelion usually slept in after staying up late the night before watching nature documentaries. On one particular day, we had a visitor as somehow having super directional ability; Roger managed to locate our exact location knocking on my apartment door again with his antlers. Not really wanting to oblige after seeing the 500 pound mammal and Dandelion's happy face upon seeing him, I yielded as we spent another day in the forest.

The only issue during this somewhat magical week of fun was the fact that I did not make any progress on the last question Mr. Tusin posed to me.

"Maybe I should just make up a conflict," I thought as I sat in front of my laptop, "Something arbitrary, like the demon king from the forest attacking. Wait that doesn't make sense, this should be consistent."

All the while as I did this, next to me slept the Vagabond girl deep in her slumber.

"Tacos... yum Tacos," Dandelion mumbled in her sleep

"So peaceful."

In truth there really wasn't a single authentic conflict at the time I could weave into my story. As fate would have it though, whether one was ever prepared for it or not, conflict weaves itself into one's life, and one's story.


"Good morning Dandelion!" I said as the sleeping girl awoke. 2 bowls of ramen and some morning coffee were already prepared on the dining room table.

"Good... good morning Mr. Fogg" Dandelion said before dosing off again to sleep.

"Oi..." I said as I began to snap at Dandelion.

"Did we make it to India yet?"

"Nope, still in Nothingtown I'm afraid," I chuckled seeing that Dandelion had thoroughly enjoyed the Jules Verne tale from the night before.

"But the 20,000 pounds," Dandelion mumbled still half asleep.

"We use dollars actually... ones we'll need to earn to keep living here. Now hurry, your ramen is getting cold and it's almost noon."

Sluggishly, Dandelion crawled out of her sleeping bag and to the dining room chair. The morning continued quite normally as we chowed down on our ramen.

"You've improved!" I said watching Dandelion now be able to twist several strands of noodles onto her fork and eat at once. Honestly one of the proudest moments in my life. Finally, after about 20 minutes, we finished our bowls and were ready to head out for the day.

"Tacos Tonight?" Dandelion asked pulling on my sleeve. Her glaring eyes still hadn't lost one bit of effectiveness.

"Sure, when we finish for the day."

"Yay!" She said with a soft smile hopping into my bike basket.

"So precious."

As I was about to take off however, I noticed on the far side of the street corner 2 men in suits staring at us. I didn't get a good look at them as they were quite far away. As soon as I looked at them however, they immediately got back into their car and drove off. The only real distinguishing feature I remember were a few blue crests shaped like the sun on their suits.

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