Chapter 3: A Bike Ride

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The next day I awoke to the sunlight hitting my face once again. It must have already been around noon. Not really a surprise considering after Dandelion and I made a stop by a late night fast food joint, our gruesome trek back from "Narnia" as Dandelion called it ended up taking a grand total of 7 hours. Several pit stops were made along the way at random points as Dandelion seemed to wander off to stare at some mundane things. By the time we arrived back, it was already 2AM. Add another hour for Dandelion story time and 3 AM arrived before I could catch any shuteye.

"Jeez" I thought seeing Dandelion fall asleep on my floor before I even finishing chapter 3 of Dr. Doolittle

"She didn't even shower..."

At this point though, I was too tired to care much. The girl looked much too peaceful to awake anyway. Quietly, I tiptoed to my bathroom for a shower before jumping into bed straight away.

"Ah bed,"

A true romance story where I couldn't use my bed for a whole night but was now reunited,

"I'll never let you go again!"

That night I slept peacefully with calming dreams of living in the forest with various animals each with their own personalities. It was such a vivid dream in fact I could still smell the forest wood when I awoke the next day. It felt so realistic that smell. So realistic in fact that... wait a minute,

"Da... Da... Dandelion?!?!"

Only a couple inches away from my face on the same bed lay the sleeping homeless girl. The sound of my crashing onto the ground upon noticing woke her up immediately.


I got up from the ground and looked up to notice her pure black eyes staring down at me from the bed.

"Dandelion... why are you sleeping on my bed?"

"It's more comfortable here."

"Yes... but I was also sleeping on that same bed,"




"Is there a problem?"

"Nope! I'm just a silly man!"



"I'm hungry."

After heating up two more bowls of ramen, I stared amusingly once again at Dandelion's exhilarating battle to master fork dexterity. It appeared she had gotten slightly better at least as I could see she leveled up to being able to grab a hold of a small string of noodles.

"I'm so proud..."

Another thought that entered my mind however, was what exactly Dandelion did during most of her days? One day off had already been too much for me as I quickly finished my bowl preparing for work.

"What are you going to do today?" I asked Dandelion.

"What am I going to do?"

"Yes, what are you going to do? What do you usually do throughout the day? I have to work today to cover yesterday's meals and make rent for the month."

The Vagabond Girl of NothingtownМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя