Chapter 7: More Friends of the Forest

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"A global conspiracy?"

3 more days passed since Dandelion and I took our 1 way train ride out of Nothingtown. Given the severity of the situation, the only somewhat reasonable plan I could come up with was to pretend to my few connections around me that nothing had changed. That included Mr. Tusin who earlier this morning I emailed the first 3 chapters of my latest work too, and who currently I was on my phone with in a park near the hotel Dandelion and I stayed at. I made sure to put on another nature documentary on my laptop for Dandelion to keep her entertained as I talked to Mr. Tusin.

"That's correct Mr. Tusin," I responded over the phone, "The vagabond's secret, his parents were part of a global entity that organized crime in the modern world."


"Yes Mr. Tusin?"

"That makes absolutely no sense; you realize you're breaking every rule of storytelling right?"

"How so?"

"This is supposed to be a wholesome romance tale isn't it, with a bit of comedy thrown in. What's with the tone change? If you're going to go that route, at least drop some hints beforehand."

"Life uhh... comes at you fast?"

"I get that this is just a fictional story, but even so, isn't that too sudden to be realistic?"

"The truth is stranger than fiction Mr. Tusin."



"Kane, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Sorry, being weird again."

"You've always been weird! But in any case, I suppose I shouldn't judge until you're finished. Your first 3 chapters though Kane, I did read through thoroughly and can very much judge,"

"What did you think?"

"Not bad Kane, not bad. Your rhetoric seems to have improved quite a bit. Or maybe it's because the flow's more natural. I really liked how you wrote Acorn as well."

"Yes, she's a treasure,"


"Sorry, sorry, I mean he's a treasure."

"Right... only thing I have to say though Kane is what's up with Kate?"

"Kate? What's wrong with him?"


"Sorry sorry, I mean her, being weird again."

"Make sure you drink your coffee Kane. As I was saying though, Kate seems a bit... too feminine?"



"How so?"

"Just the way she describes Acorn. Jeez... I mentioned this before, but she really is just a damsel isn't she? What sort of 21st century woman is that infatuated by a man she just met? She'd hardly pass the Bechdel test if not for the brief conversations she had with her magazine publisher."




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