Instagram drama pt. 2

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Betty's POV:

(cause we like drama ofc ❤)

I was just done feeding Lili when I saw an Instagram notification.

I click on it and my heart starts racing.

@jugg_jones: Hey Betty. It's me Jughead.

Is this a joke? A sick joke? I've been trying to get a hold of him for 2 whole years.

I immediately click to respond.



I guess?



-I think you have some explainig to do, don't you think?

I stop to think what could I possibly have done wrong.


The baby photos.


I'll play it safe, maybe it's not that.

What do you mean?


-sent a post-


-sent a post-


-What does this mean Betty?

-Care to explain?

I don't think I AM the one to explain, what about you running off out Riverdale when that Jessica bitch dm-ed you????

-YOU cheated on ME!

Not this again...

If a framed kiss DISTURBES you so much, why were YOU stalking MY page? Looking through MY feed??

- What? I was not!

Jughead's POV:

Damn well I was.

Back to Betty's POV:

What is your point Jughead? Did you dm me to just harras me? Now if you excuse me, I have twin toddlers to take care of. BYE!

I close my phone and went to the living room.

"You okay Betty?" Fp said while playing with Sythe.

"Y-Yeah" I said. Liar.

"The twins' 2nd birthday is in about 2 weeks, are we having a party for them?" Fp said.

"That sounds great" I said smiling, I should stop thinking about Jughead.


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