Complicated 3

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They spent the time remaining, not relatively close. They tried to be warmer with eachother, but it just didn't work.


During the 4 years of studying at Yale, Betty started to move on and get over their break-up, but in the back of her mind, Jughead was still there. Betty tried to get him out of her head but it wasn't possible.

What she did in Riverdale, stayed in Riverdale. But her heart had a small part to hold her unborn baby. She did it for the best, even though sometimes she would try and imagine her life with a little boy or girl, or who knows, maybe twins.

Jughead, on the other hand, while studying the 4 year writer's program. Was still holding on to the thought of Betty and the little one.

Yes, the baby that was terminated, was going to be forever in their hearts. Even though they weren't together, and a baby wasn't the best at that time. Whatever their future holds, together or broken up, that baby will be theirs.


"Bettyyyy" Kenna said excited, Betty's dormmate.

"Whaat" Betty replied, looking at her best friend, who stormed in the kitchen.

"Wanna go out?" Kenna said.

"Why" Betty said. "We gratuated like 4 days ago, we went out then"

"Not out drinking, out like to a restaurant, girls night!" Kenna said.

"Sure why not" Betty agreed.

She didn't really want to go out today, because on this day, 4 years ago, she had the abortion.


"What are you gonna get?" Kenna asked.

"The chicken veggie platter looks nice" Betty said. "How about you?"

"Garlic salmon" Kenna said.

"That sounds good" Betty said.

"Are you ready to order?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Yes we- Jellybean! Oh my god!" Betty said turning around, then looked at her name tag that said JENNY.

"Hey Betty! It's so nice to see you" Jellybean said.

Betty got up and hugged her.

"Jenny?" Betty asked.

"I didn't want people to call me Jellybean so I go by Jenny now" Jellybean explained. "It sounds morr mature"

"That's nice" Betty said.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am a little hungry" Kenna said.

"Kenna, this is Jenny, I used to date her brother" Betty said. "I'll have the chicken veggie platter"

"And I'll have the garlic salmon" Kenna said.

"Alright" Jellybean said and walked away.


"So what are you doing after moving out of the dorm?" Kenna asked.

"I don't know" Betty said. "I think I'll go back home"

"That's sweet" Kenna said.

"You?" Betty asked.

"Devin and I want to move to New York" Kenna said.

Then their food came.


She moved back to Riverdale, with her mom, Polly and the twins. She got a job at the Riverdale register as a journallist and she loved it.

"Where are you going honey?" Alice asked.

"I'm going for a walk" Betty said.

"It's late, be careful, okay?" Alice said.

"I will" Betty said and walked out.

Betty knew exactly where she was going.
Took her mom's car and drove to Fox Forest. She needed a place where only her thoughts were comforting her.

She parked and walked to the bunker, opening the huge metallic lid, climbed down the ladder and stepped down, while holding a blank journal and a pen in her pocket.

She carefully walked in the round hall with the flashlight from her phone turned on. But when she walked further, she saw him.

"Oh my god" She said, with a hand on her chest, from getting scared. "What are you doing here?"

"Me? What are you doing here?" Jughead said.

"Uh none of your business?" Betty said.

"Okay? I'll just go back to writting I guess" Jughead said and put his headphones back on.

Betty sat down on the bed and opened her journal, trying to focus, she was moving the pen between her fingers but she still couldn't focus.

She got her phone out and wrote a message to her mom. "Staying at Veronica tonight, don't worry"

"You're really gonna come here, sit on my bed and not say a thing" Jughead said.

"I can sit on a chair if that's what you want" Betty said.

"That's not the point" Jughead said.

But of course, she stood up, walked over to the table and sat down next to him.

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