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   I can't believe this idiot wants to do this. Fighting over breeding rights like this is the eighteenth century. Valery is going to completely freak out.

   It didn't take long for me to figure out she has no idea what we both are. She had been fighting her instincts all night and by extent, I did too. I wanted to rub my scent all over her so exactly what's happening wouldn't.

   Frankie had always been such a little shit, especially in high school. His family was much more traditional and aggressive than ours, keeping a rigid hierarchy. Frankie being the youngest, was at the bottom which is why he's keen to piss all over the territory I've already claimed.

   Valery grips my hand tighter as we head towards the woods that stand behind the bar. It's too close to the city to be claimed territory which is perfect for what Frankie has in mind.

   "Whatever happens, don't freak out and don't run," I whisper to Val, rubbing her knuckles with my thumb.

   Her dainty brows furrow and her hazel eyes hold a million questions. But her instincts are telling her to stay quiet and watch which I'm glad she's finally listening to.

   "Let's get this show started, what ya say Scott?" Frankie calls when we're suitably hidden in the trees.

   I sigh and shed my flannel, handing it to Val who cocks her head to the side in curiosity. The moonlight makes her pale hair shine almost white. She looks like a goddess with that dress hugging all her curves deliciously. If we hadn't been surrounded by people in that bar, I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands to myself.

   "Don't freak out," I tell her again. "And close your eyes for a minute."

   She does as I ask, so Frankie and I shed the rest of our clothes and I focus on my breathing and shifting. I barely grunt as all my bones shift beneath my skin and fur spreads down my neck and over my chest. It doesn't take longer than a minute before I'm standing on all four paws.

   I hear Val gasp as Frankie growls in front of me, shaking out his fur and snapping his jaws. My hackles rise as we start to circle each other. This shouldn't be a real fight, just a display of dominance, but I think Frankie will leave me with a couple scratches. As long as he doesn't bite me with those dirty ass teeth.

   Frankie lunges towards me, a snarl ripping through the still night air. I meet him head on, slamming into him and snapping my jaws. Just as I expected, Frankie claws at my shoulders and chest. I growl and shove him into the ground.

   We circle each other again and I keep an eye on Val, who looks at us with wide, horrified eyes. Did I just ruin every chance with her I had? Her heat will be hitting her soon and she'll need me. Hopefully me and not someone else.

   This needs to end. I crouch down and launch myself at Frankie, knocking us both off our feet. He tries to wrestle himself on top of me, but I manage to lock my jaw around his throat and growl. My bite is hard enough to press my canines into his skin and start to cut off his airway, but doesn't break skin. I growl at him to submit, but he snarls and barks, snapping his jaws furiously and catching my ear. I tighten my jaws slightly. In response he uses his hind legs to scratch at my belly, breaking skin easily and I feel blood wet my fur.

   Finally he stills and lets out a soft whine. I let him go and back away toward Val, still growling softly. I won't turn my back to him until he's gone. Frankie stands, tail between his legs and eyes both of us carefully.

   I close my eyes and focus on my skin side and shake out my legs as a shiver runs down my spine from the fur receding into my skin. I always hate that part.

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