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(Wills POV)

Why would he say that to me? I didn't even do anything! Or did I? I don't know, he won't tell me! 


Running home in the pouring rain, I can hear footsteps behind me. "I said go away, Mike!"
But it isn't Mike? 

"Max?" I say, staring at her. She's SOAKED. 

"Can we please talk?" She says and I nod. 


At home, in my room, Max sits down on my bed with her soaking wet clothes. 

"So.. what is it?" I ask. Max raises and eyebrow at me and smiles. "I saw your argument with Mike." Why is she smiling?


Max laughs. "Come on. Are you THIS oblivious? I saw the way you both were looking at each other. Might wanna tell me something?" 

How did she know that. Why would she think Mike likes me? He was ANGRY with me. Why would she-

"Will. I know you like Mike." 

My heart drops. "N-no I don't!" I stammer. Max laughs, but it isn't an intimidating laugh. It's a comforting laugh. 

"Will. It's okay, I don't care if you like him or not! But what you DO need to do is talk to him." 

I shake my head. "Absolutely not. And I don't like Mike!" But it's hopeless. She knows. How would she know that. I've been really good at keeping secrets, why am I so bad at keeping this one? 

"Will. I am okay with you being... whatever you are. Really, I am." 

She is? 

"You are?" I already feel tears in my eyes. Why am I crying? This is great!! She... accepts me? Like, really accepts me? Before I know it, she pulls me into the best hug I had ever received and nods. "Yes, I really do." 

I melt into her hug and really let those words sink in. She. Accepts. Me. 

Before I know it, I'm in front of Mikes house. After rehearsing what I'm going to say to him about a million times, I finally ring the doorbell. 

Mr. Wheeler opens the door and his face drops as soon as he sees me. 

"Yes?" He says grumpily. I tell him why I'm here and if I can come him. He nods and says something about his job. 

As soon as I walk into the living room, Mrs. Wheeler greets me like she's my own mother. 

"Um.. Uh, where's Mike?" I ask and I hate the way my voice sounds. 

"Downstairs," Mr. Wheeler answers grumpily while turning on the TV. I thank him and carefully open the door to the basement. Am I really about to do this?

"Go away, Nancy!" Mike shouts and he actually sounds really sad. Is it my fault? Yeah.

I slowly walk down the stairs and I see Mike sitting on the couch, holding my- drawings? I didn't even know he had those. 


"Mike. Hi." 

He puts away the drawings and his face immediately turns maroony-red. 

"Look, Will, I'm so sorry about what I said. I didn't mean any of it, I swear. I was just angry-" 

"Angry?" I interrupt. "About what?" 

"Theres this thing." He shuffles with his feet. "What thing?" Now I'm curious. 

"I don't know, honestly. It's more of a..." He hesitates. "...a person." 

A person?

"Did you have a fight with El?" I ask cautiously. 

"What? No- no! This- this isn't about- about El," he stammers. 

Confused, I try to figure out who it is. A person, but not El? Who is it then?

"What's the problem then?" I ask.

"I think this person is starting to.. grow on me more than they should be."


"What do you mean?" I think I might know who it is. 

He fidgets nervously. "See, that's the thing. I don't know. I've known this person for so long and I'm just now figuring... things out." 

Never mind.

"Oh. So... what about El?" I don't want Mike to break Els heart for some other girl. Wait- why is he even telling me??? ME of all people?? ME?? #


"I'm scared, Will." 

"Scared of what?" 

"I think I'm starting to like someone I shouldn't."

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