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(Mikes POV) 

As Will walks back up the stairs, I can feel my heart almost jump out of my chest. Did he really mean it? Does he actually mean it? Does he really like me? Why does Will like me? Why me? Why not anyone else? Why does he like me? I was supposed to like Eleven. I do like her, right? I can't let myself be like this! I'm going to go to El tomorrow and spend time with her. I am going to ignore Will. He has done nothing but ruin my life. He is the reason why I feel like this. I mean, after all, he was the first one to kiss me. Just because I kissed his cheek doesn't mean I like him. 

I do not like Will. 

(Wills POV)

I couldn't sleep all night. I kissed Mike? After all these years, I can't believe it!! I did what I was finally so afraid of doing! I really hope this didn't ruin our friendship. Did it even really happen? Was it real?

"Will! Come on, get up, bud," Jonathan gets me out of bed to eat breakfast; bacon and eggs with a little bit of extra much salt on the eggs. 

"You look like you just ate a clown! Why are you so happy?" Mom asks me and I just lie about some school project with Max today. Wait- Max! I have to tell her what happened!! How did she know that Mike likes me? How did she know?


Since I have no classes with Mike, I didn't see him all day. I really want to give him something. He's usually always waiting for Nancy because he doesn't want to go home alone. 

I wait there for a few minutes until I see Mike come out of the building. Oh God, I can already feel my knees get weak. Why is this worse than before I told Mike I liked him?

As soon as he sees me, he walks faster and looks away. Is he okay?

"Hey, uh, Mike! I wanted to give you something-" Mike pushes past me and disappears behind the school building. Did I do something?

I follow him until I find him crying behind a big pack of boxes. Should I leave him alone?

"Mike...?" I say, slowly walking towards him. I don't even think he sees me. Instead, he just keeps repeating the words 'stupid' and 'failure' again and again. Is he talking about himself? No, he can't be! He was just fine yesterday...? Right?

Mike sniffles as soon as he sees me he literally stops breathing for a second. Is he... scared of me?

"Shit, Will. I didn't see you." 

"Yeah... um, are you okay?" I say, carefully sitting down on the hard and very uncomfortable concrete floor. 

Mike looks up at me. He looks angry. Did I do something?

"Yes. I'm fine. But the real question is, are you okay?" What's wrong with him?

"What? Uh... I'm fi-" 

Mike stands up quickly. "No. I mean, why do you like me? Why are you like this? Why are you a queer?" 

My heart shatters. 

I've only been called queer by my Dad and I never thought much of it. But Mike? He always promised that he would never say anything bad about me, especially not to my face. Why, of all things, is he targeting me again? Why is he targeting how I feel towards him when he feels the same way. Wait. 

Does he? I was the one who kissed him. 

"W-what?" I stammer, the words squeak out and I already know I'm crying.

"Did I stutter? Why are you such a-" He breaks off his own sentence. I know which word he was about to use. 

"I mean- I- I- I dont know. I can't control it! Just like how Lucas can't control how he likes Max! Or- or how Dustin can't control how or why he likes Suzie! Please, Mike! I thought you liked me."

Mike scoffed and pushed me away while walking over to the school gate. 

"Why would I like someone like you? You are a mistake." 



"You heard me. Now go away before I make you." 

Why is he doing this?

"Mike- don't you remember.. last night? You- you kissed me?"

Mike looks all around as soon as I say that. 

"No. You kissed me. I'm not a queer, like you. Unlike you, I am normal. Not some- some-" He interrupts himself again. 

"No, Mike. Say it." My eyes are filled up to the top with tears. How could I be so stupid to actually believe that Mike would ever love me? He was lying. This whole time. 

"No." No?

Mike starts crying, I can see it. But he wipes his tears away. 

"I won't say it."

"Why not?" 

Mike turns away and walks out of the gate. 

I follow him to the gate. "Why not?" I repeat. Mike doesn't answer. Why won't he answer me??

"Mike! Answer me!" I say and finally, he turns around. 

Wow. He looks really sad. 

"Because I am still your best friend. I won't do this to you. I'm not that evil." 

Mike turns around and walks away.

I'm really confused right now. 


(Mikes POV)

Why do I keep doing this to him? It's like I ccan't control what comes out of my mouth. But Will's right. He can't control whether he likes me or not. 

"Mike, you know that's not true," I hear Will say from behind me. 


"You know you're not my best friend." 

He's right. 

But I can't let him know that. 

I don't say anything and I walk away from him. I can hear him following me though. 

"Mike! Stop being a dick!" I've literally never heard him use that word before?

As we're out of school campus, I check to see if anyones around. Nope. Not a single soul.

"Will. What happened yesterday was-"

"What? It was what? Bad? Regrettable? Stupid? Because now I'm starting to agree! I never should've kissed you. I'm sorry for blaming it on you. I mean, I was the one who made the first move anyway." 

I look around one last time. Nope, nobody. 

I lean in a little. 

"No, I made the first move," I say. Will looks confused. 

"If you don't remember, I was the one who kissed you on the cheek." As soon as I say that, Wills face turns red. "Oh. Yea- yeah." He chuckles a little and looks back at me. 

And once again, I give him a little kiss on his cheek. It feels like we're in my basement again. I completely regret ignoring him all day. He probably feels like shit. 

As soon as I pull away, I pull him into a hug. 

And this hug means literally everything to me. 

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