ep9: under the dark

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Narrator: strike from the dark. Isabel came with a plan to destroy the banished super carrier form the inside as she is leading padawan Ahsoka Tano, Barriss offee, & arc trooper fordo with the help from master yoda, Shaak ti, kit fisto, arc trooper howzer & Sargeant Johnson to help to destroy the enduring convention.

We see 2 gunship heading to the carrier landing pad as they go over the plan of how to get Isabel inside.

Ahsoka: master, this is Ahsoka Tano, Isabel, Barriss, fordo, & I are making our approach on the banished base beneath the carrier.

Fisto: understood, Ahsoka. Our team is starting by & ready to move out on your word.

Fordo: that good to hear General. Once the carrier's shield is down we'll only have a small window of time to board it via the grav-lift.

Barriss: he right master. We need your team on stand-by in case we run into any problems.

Howzer: no problem commander offee we here if you need help.

Johnson: we got your back. You'll just worry about getting there. Good luck.

The 2 gunship made it to the grav-lift to get inside the banished carrier but it will prove problematic then they thought.

Ahsoka: we're approaching the LZ for the grav-lift now.

Barriss: are you ready for this, Isabel?

Isabel: ready I'll ever be.

Fordo: pilot how the LZ at the grav-lift?

Clone pilot: so far good sir we about to...wait, we got hostiles! Banished anti-air defenses!

The banished then revealed themselves with Reavers & anti-air turrets fire at the 2 gunship as they are going down.

Clone pilot: we're hit, brace for impact!

As the 2 gunship went down with 2 separate locations form as they team came with a new plan how to deal the defenses at the grav-lift.

Ahsoka: well getting to that grav-lift isn't going to be easy as we thought.

Barriss: agreed, best to call in a base drop for help to deal the defenses.

Isabel: ahsoka, Barriss, I'm picking up chatter over comms, the banished are on their way captain fordo you team best get ready.

As the 2nd gunship crash site has fordo gathered the crash survivors to get ready for a banished attack.

Fordo: alright team listened up. The banished defenses got the drop on us & grounded our gunship on the way to the grav-lift. Let's get to the crash site & rendezvous with the commanders & Isabel for new orders.

As they left the crash site when one of their snipers look ahead & see the banished infantry heading towards them.

Clone sniper: sir banished forces coming in.

Fordo: snipers shoot them when you have them in sight, the rest of us will defend you.

The get ready to fight the banished as they approach the strike team as the snipers took out the most of the infantry as fordo along with the others troopers deal with the rest.

The republic stealth team continues on but halt on captain fordo as he have one the scouts scanned the area for any threats.

Fordo: anything trooper?

Clone: the banished have deployed cloaked mines. Best be careful & clear them out as we go sir.

Fordo: snipers take out the mines as we go to the commanders & Isabel.

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