4. Too far

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Cause' you bring me down to my knees,
When push comes to shove.
Guess that's the price that you pay,
When you're in love.

Those fucking arseholes.

We just got back from spring break and when my team entered the ice rink, it was ruined.

The nets were all broken and on the floor, the glass barriers were graffitied, the stands had toilet paper covering them and the middle of the rink was covered in red paint.

"Fuck" I mutter while glancing over every corner of the rink.

I looked over at our coach. He looked so angry that you could almost see steam coming out of his ears. "THOSE FUCKING PRICKS" he says while slamming his clipboard onto the floor.

I see from the corner of my eyes, a few people flinch at his loud voice.

We watch as he storms out of the court. "Wait here" he spits.

We all stand in silence for awhile until people turn to look at me for guidance, because, that's what captains do, guide.

"Alright, everyone start moving anything that's on the rink off of it, we can do a few passing drills... I guess" I say loudly enough for everyone to hear, although the last part was more of a whisper.

"Ight captain" a boy called Miles says as he starts lifting some toilet roll off of the rink, others started helping aswell and before long the rink was clean enough for us to practice on it, although all of the rubbish was still sat in a pile's around the rink and on the bleachers.

After about 45 minutes our coach came back in.

"Alright lads, please take a seat, I've talked to the head teacher and the footballers coach, the head has come to the arrangement that at our trip in two weeks time you'll all have to share a room with someone from the football team. Now- before you start getting annoyed, it's either that or you don't go at all."

"Then we won't go" someone called Ian shouts.

For a few minutes they all shout that we just won't go.

The coach looks at me, as he knows I'm the only person they listen to in situations like these.

"Settle down" I say, but, none of them hear. "I SAID SHUT UP" I shout

I watch as they all slowly close their mouths and look at me "stop fucking cutting your nose off to spite your face. Why should we miss out on what people call the best trip of their lives during school just because a few boys are being petty. We need to grow up and be the bigger people. Now stop yapping like 5 year olds and get into the changing room. If you decide not to come to the trip then you're a coward. And cowards won't be accepted on this team." I huff. Then why am I here.

"Couldn't of said it better, captain" Enzo smiles slightly.

I nod in his direction.

Slowly the group dispersed as they all made their way to the changing room, talking quietly.

"Thank you Luca" coach says while patting my back.

"It's alright coach" I smile slightly.


After I got dried of my sweat I grabbed my bag and made my way outside.

From across the carpark I could see Ivan, so, as the amazing and totally not stupid person I am, I decided to confront him. I know, great idea.

I walk towards him, catching him by surprise when he turns around and sees me a few feet away. I stop infront of him.

A smirk makes its way onto his face. "Valentino, how did I earn the pleasure of having you in my presence"

"Cut the bullshit Volkov. Why did you do it?" I spit.

"It was just a friendly prank, why are you so upset" he says, still smirking.

"You don't know? Do you?" I say letting a smirk dance on my lips.

"Know what?" His smirk falters.

"You'll see I suppose" I chuckle slightly "but listen here Volkov you've taken things too far, and trust me I will get my revenge" I shoot daggers at him.

"Of course you will, princess" he says as a smirk once again etches across his face.

"Stop fucking calling me that" I say angrily.

"Calling you what, princess?" he replies smugly

"That" I reply

"I don't know what you're talking about, Princess" he says while leaning against his car.

"Fucking dickhead" I huff while turning and marching away and towards my car.

I straight away open it and drop into my seat, biting my lip. Princess, that's a new one. And I don't like it. Right?.


All the way home I hummed the tune of the many songs that came on over the radio.

When I got home, I got out of my car and locked the door, making my way straight into the house.

The rest of my family seem to be out as none of their cars are on the drive.

I walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking through its contents.

After a few seconds I picked up a tub of blueberries, I started munching on them as I made my way through the house and up the stairs.

I walk straight into my room, dropping my bag on the floor beside my door.

I take off my jacket before flipping onto my bed, continuing to eat the few blueberries that were left. Once I finished, I dropped the empty tub onto my bedside table before sitting up and looking out the window.

Behind my house was a large dandelion field with a giant willow tree in the centre. Infront of the field is our garden, only a stone wall blocking the two areas from meeting.

I like to look out at the willow tree, it helps me relax when I'm angry or nervous.

If I'm really angry or nervous then I enjoy taking one of my many books out to the willow tree, I'd then sit beneath it and read until the sun starts to set.

There's not many places I feel safe because of my parents profession, but, that field is one of those few safe spaces. No one but myself to judge.


Thanks for reading

And remember TPWK

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