9. Forest boy

51 2 11


Ay! Oh! I'll never let you go.


(A/N And the games begin)

"Okay everybody, let's go" Max shouts over the group; walking ahead of everyone, leading us towards a path that goes through the woods that surrounds the camp.

"Cmon princess" Ivan smirks tugging on the rope to pull me slightly closer.

Caught by surprise, I get pulled mm's from his chest.

"What a dickhead" I hear callum whisper from behind.

My attention turns to Ivan's face just as I see him roll his eyes. I move past Ivan and towards the trail making him walk behind me. Soon enough he's caught up and by my side.

An hour had passed and by this point the group had become more dispersed as each pair had a slight gap between them and the ones ahead, with Ivan and I at the back due to our slightly delayed start and due to the rest of my friends wanting to get it over and done with.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A voice rips through the air, cutting me from my own thoughts.

"What?" I reply dumbly

"A penny for your thoughts."

I squint my eyes at him slightly before rolling them "no"

"Why've you got to be like that, princess?"

"Stop fucking calling me that, asshole." I spit out feeling the anger already bubble inside of me.

"Aww is princess getting angry." He mocks, clutching his chest.



"What the fuck is your problem? I said stop. Why do you even call me it anyway?" I grit out, stopping in my tracks and turning to face him.

"Call you what?" He also stops, folding his arms over his chest and tilting his head to the side slightly.


"Because it suits you" he grins.

I furrow my eyebrows "how does it suit me?!"

"We'll, you're soft; aren't you?" He taunts.

My fists clench at my sides.

"Considering you never had a dad or anything." He continues. "That explains why you are the way you are."

My mind goes red as I slam him into the tree behind him. How fucking dare he.

"We'll at-least my mother isn't a cheating whore that sleeps with everyone she lays eyes on." I spit out holding my arm over his chest and moving my face close to his.

I never realised what 'eyes darkening' meant until that moment. Ivan's once sky blue eyes darkened to a deep blue as he gripped me by shoulder and spun us around; throwing me into the tree.

A pain shoots up my back from the impact as I wince slightly.

His grip moves from my shoulder to my neck as he pushes my head up so our eyes are level and are faces are mere cm's apart.

"Say that again I dare you." He says eerily calm.

"At least neither of my mothers are a whore" I spit out as he grips my wrists together in-front of my body.

Before I know what's happening his lips are crashing on mine and my mind goes in a haze.

At first I don't respond to the kiss until I'm brought back to reality when he moves his knees against my crotch making me splutter as I finally kiss back, gripping him by the back of his neck.

He tightens his grip around my neck slightly making my lips part, giving him access to my mouth. A fight for dominance ensues as we tackle each other with our mouths.

His knees rubs against me again as I give in and allow him to take control. I'll never live this down.

Eventually we pull away to get some air, but when we do part reality comes crashing down on us as Ivan takes a few steps back to try and get as far away as the rope would let him. He rubs his face slightly before tugging on the rope as he begins to walk.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, fuck. How could I let this happen?!

Before long we had caught back up with the group, with not a word spoken from either of us which is how the rest of the day went; silence.

I don't know whether I'm grateful for the silence or if I'm wishing we'd be arguing so I'm not left to my own thoughts over the situation; it's easier to hate him when he's actively being a dickhead.

"Where'd you disappear off to?" Callum questions as I walk over to my friends after removing myself from the rope that connected me to Volkov.

"We just got into another argument, nothing much" I replied, it wasn't necessarily a lie because we had actually been arguing..

"Typical" Zac mutters, rolling his eyes and walking ahead of us, towards the canteen block for lunch.


The rest of the day was uneventful to say the least, so that left me alone to my thoughts, and that my friend is a very dangerous place to be for an extended amount of time.

After spending the afternoon doing board games in the game room it was finally time to go to bed, when I made it to my room Ivan was already in the room, he seemed to of just finished changing.

The only thing he spared me was a quick glance before looking back down at the shirt in his hand and throwing it into his bag then moving to the sofa and flopping onto it.

"Look away so I can change" I mutter, walking to the cupboard.

"Don't flatter yourself Valentino" he replied, rolling onto his side so he's facing the opposite way.

And with that, I changed into my joggers before getting into the bed and under the covers just to toss and turn all night.


Hope you enjoyed my gorgeous readers <3

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