8. What are you doing?

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear.

Slowly, I stretched my arms, yawned and sat up. I glanced around the room to spot Ivan asleep on the sofa.

My lips part in confusion, why didn't he wake me up? Why did he so easily just let me take the bed?

I try not to think about it too much so I get up and pull an outfit out of the wardrobe before glancing behind myself to make sure Ivan was truly asleep before changing into it.

I try not to think about it too much so I get up and pull an outfit out of the wardrobe before glancing behind myself to make sure Ivan was truly asleep before changing into it

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I quickly rushed out of the room so I could make it to the canteen as soon as possible.

Once I'd finally made it into the canteen I walked straight up to my two friends who were already sat inside; Enzo and Zac.

"Morning Luke" Zac smiles.

"Brotha" Enzo smirks while fist bumping me.

"Morning Zac" I say smiling before nodding towards Enzo.

"There isn't many people awake yet" Enzo comments while glancing around the hall.

"Well done captain obvious, you know I honestly couldn't tell, thank you so much" Zac replies sarcastically before stabbing his fork into his scrambled egg.

"Shut up Homo" Enzo rolls his eyes while passing a full plate towards me "Homo 2.0 I got you breakfast" he winks.

"I'm not gay." I mutter back, taking a bite of the toast.

Zac raises a singular eyebrow and jokingly says "why are you making it sound so bad Valentino, you homophobic?"

"You know darn well I'm not" I huff in annoyance.

"No shit Sherlock" Enzo chuckles.

"Ight, chill mate, I know, I know" Zac laughs.

After that, we all finished eating the food on our plates while slowly one after another people started filing in, which meant not long after, Ivan also entered.

Holy shit.

If I said he wasn't hot, I'd be lying.

But, I'm not gay. I just have two perfectly working eyes.

Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, clearly. It's just, I'm not gay.

I gave Ivan's outfit a once over as he walked across the hall. Shit. He looked hot in that outfit. (OUTFIT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS CHAPTER BESTIES; THANK ME LATER XX)

My eyes slowly moved up to his face as we made eye contact; shit. He saw me looking. If I could I'd go over there and wipe that stupid smirk off of his face.

"He's repulsive" Callum muttered, dropping onto the seat opposite me having seen me looking at Ivan from the table over. "And if I didn't know better I'd think you were checking him out"

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