The Meeting

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~Calums POV~

"That was 'Don't Stop' by 5 Seconds of Summer and we are very lucky to have the 5SOS boys in the studio today, welcome guys! How are you all?" Ryan Seacrest asked us whilst beaming happily.

"We're great, thanks for having us on today!" Ash replied and we all nodded in agreement. We were being interviewed on Ryan's radio show before our show at the Forum in two days.

"It's no problem at all." Ryan said still smiling. "So, how are you guys feeling about the show? I mean 17,505 screaming fans, that's just crazy!"

"Yeah it's totally crazy! But I think we're all just so thankful to everyone that's bought tickets and I think we'll be nervous before the show but once we're out there, the nerves will just melt away and we'll have a kick-ass show!" I replied eagerly.

"Your first album, was so successful and definitely made your mark on the music industry. But what I want to know is how will you top it?" Ryan asked in an intrigued tone.

"Well, we've only just started work on the second album so the overall sound of it is still changeling every ten seconds, but hopefully it will be as good, if not better then the first album!" Michael answered.

"And we're also hoping to have some really cool collaborations on this album which should help it stand out from our first album." Luke added.

"So if you could collaborate with any artist around at the moment, who would it be and why? And maybe try and think of someone we wouldn't expect you to say." Ryan looked at us as we debated quickly among ourselves.

"Morgan Sparks! She's got an amazing voice and even though she's not really in the genre of music that we listen to all the time, she definitely knows how to write and record hits. And personally several of her songs are my guilty pleasures to listen too." Ash told Ryan.

Morgan Sparks is one of the biggest and quite possibly is the biggest singer-song writer of our generation and she's definitely the biggest singer-song writer to ever come from the UK. Plus on top of the huge success she has in the world of music, she's also an incredible actress. She won her first BAFTA this year for a film she was in called 'The Career' in which she played Tom Hanks' daughter who became his sole career when we became ill.

"And she's fit!" Michael added making everyone in the room laugh.

"Well Morgan, how do you feel about working with the 5SOS boys?" Ryan asked, leaving all four of us with confused looks on our faces. But then all of a sudden, Morgan walked in the room.

"Well I'm not sure Ryan! I mean you guys are great but I'm not sure that you'd be able to keep up with my awesomeness!" She laughed as she hugged Ryan.

"I take it from the looks on your faces and your lack of speech that you're a little bit surprised by this?" Ryan laughed into his microphone.

"Yeah just like a smidgen surprised." I said, still with a look of shock on my face.

"Morgan's here to talk about her show that she's doing tonight at the Forum after you guys have finished your interview. I guess it's just luck that you chose her to theoretically work with!" Ryan informed us.

"It's very lucky! And Michael you're such a cutie but I couldn't stop blushing when you said I was fit!" Morgan giggled.

"'re welcome." Michael stuttered out blushing slightly himself.

Morgan went back outside to wait for her turn to be interviewed pretty quickly after this convocation and we tried our hardest to focus on the rest of the interview but it was rather difficult seeing as we knew she was on the other side of the door listening to everything we were saying.

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