London Adventures

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~Ashtons POV~

We left Morgan's house at about 5 yesterday. We told her we'd pick her and Nina up at 11. So that's what's happening, we're currently in a car on the way to her house and weirdly Michael isn't the most excited. Calum is. Since Morgan's party all we've heard about is how amazing Nina is. It's cute that he's got a crush and you never know if things work out the way he and Michael want them to, they could double date with Nina and Morgan.

We pulled up outside Morgan's house to find the girls just walking out to meet us. "Perfect timing!" Morgan said as she climbed into the car smiling.

"Well we were raised but amazing women who taught us that it's rude to keep ladies waiting." Calum said smoothly looking at both girls but lingering his look slightly longer on Nina.

"Well, shall we get going? We were thinking the London Eye first and then maybe Big Ben, if that's okay with you two?" Luke asked.

"Yeah sounds great." Morgan said at the same time Nina said "Sounds good to me."


When we arrived at the London Eye there were already a heap of paparazzi and fans following us all. Thankfully we were given our own capsule so there wasn't any awkwardness with strangers.

"This is so cool! You can literally see for miles from up here!" Michael said excitedly.

"You should come on at night next time, the lights are so beautiful it's amazing!" Morgan said smiling up at him from her position directly next to him. They were literally so close that Morgan was leaning slightly into Michaels side. Anyone would think Morgan was starting to like Michael in the same way he likes her, but I doubt that seeing as she only broke up with her boyfriend two days ago.

As we started to go down again we all stood at one side of the capsule pulling stupid faces ready for our photo to be take by the cameras they have on the Eye. Luke, Calum and I were Charlie's Angels, Morgan was getting a piggyback from Nina and Michael we facing the wrong direction.

"I am so getting that on a key ring." Morgan laughed as she handed the kiosk girl her money.

"I'm getting it on a mug because who wouldn't want to see this when they drink their coffee first thing in the morning?" I asked causing myself and the others to laugh.

"So, Big Ben next?" Luke asked excitedly.

"Big Ben!" We all said at once while nodding.

~Ninas POV~

After seeing Big Ben we headed to a cafe for lunch. "So how did you two actually meet?" Luke asked me and Morgan.

"I saw an interview Nina did in the TV and then spent the next three days stalking her online and watching all her videos online and decided that she needed to come on tour with me." Morgan started.

"And then Sammy called my agent and told me Morgan wanted me on tour with her, which I obviously didn't believe, so Morgan had to call me directly before I would believe it." I continued.

"So eventually she believed it was me and that I wanted her to open up for me and we agreed to meet up in person to talk about it. Which we did and we just clicked instantly. And since then we've been best friends." Morgan finished.

"It's pretty cool that you guys get on so well. I mean I know you have your bands on tour with you and you're really close with them but it must be nice to be able to talk to each other about music stuff seeing as you're both solo artists so don't have anyone else with you. I mean, I really don't know what I'd do if if didn't have these idiots on stage with me." Ashton said smiling at his band mates.

"You're so soppy it's disgusting!" Luke said making everyone laugh.

"So you three met at school" I said pointing at Luke, Calum and Michael "and then you guys asked Ashton to join the band later on?" I asked just to make sure I had the right information about the boys.

"Yep." Michael said grinning like a kid in a sweetshop.


Once we'd finished eating we left the cafe, pushing through the crowd that had gathered outside the cafe.

"Where to now?" Calum asked.

"What about Hyde Park?" Morgan asked.

"Oooh yeah! We can chase squirrels!" I said excitedly. "Come on!" I squealed grabbing Calum's hand and began to drag him towards the park while the others picked up their pace to try and keep up with us.

I'm not going to lie to you. There was a definite spark sent through my body as I grabbed Calum's hand. He's just so sweet and funny and cute and I'm babbling aren't I? If I thought that flirting and dancing with him at Morgan's party was going to cause me to really start to fancy him, I definitely would have tried harder with my hair this morning rather then just tying it up in a messy bun.


Once we reached Hyde Park (and I'd chased several squirrels) we found ourselves lying in the shade under a tree and somehow we'd managed to loose the paparazzi and fans so it was quite peaceful.

"When do you guys leave the UK?" Morgan solemnly asked.

"A week." Luke replied. "But don't worry, you'll still have to put up with us texting you everyday even if you don't see us! Oh and you too Nina, you're part of our squad now so you won't be getting rid of us anytime soon!" He added.

"I'm sorry, did you just say 'squad'?" Calum asked making us all laugh.

"I said it and I'm proud of it." Luke reassured.

"Well I'm glad that I'm part of the 'squad'. I'd hate for Morgan to have to deal with you on her own." I giggled.

"Hey! We're not that bad!" Ash protested.

"Oh please! You guys text me at four in the morning to tell me that lobsters are like scorpions to mermaids! I mean who does that!?" Morgan fought back laughing.

"Touché." Luke replied remembering the text he sent Morgan a few weeks ago.

"We better get going, if we don't return you to your hotel, your security will worry and and then me and Nina will be in trouble for keeping you out past your bed time!" Morgan joked as she stood up.

"Oh haha! My sides hurt because I'm laughing so much!" Michael sarcastically replied.


Morgan and I are now sat in her lounge with our feet up drinking a well deserved cup of tea. Today was brilliant but my feet are killing me from all the walking. Mine and Morgan's phones vibrated at the same time telling us we had a Twitter notification.

'5SOS: had an awesome day with @MorgSparkz and @NinaNesbitt! Hope to do it again soon you Brit brats!'

Me and Morgan instantly started to laugh. We definitely aren't going to let them leave our lives anytime soon!

So Nina got a POV today, woo! Really hope you're liking this story. Please comment to let me know what you do and don't like and what you think should happen!

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