Birthday Party

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~Morgans POV~

'Huke Lemmings: Yo! M-Dog, what do ya want for your birthday!?'

'Me: A pony'

'Ashtonio: So Luke said he texted asking what you want for your birthday and he said you said a pony. I mean, we love you Morgan but I don't think we can get you a pony. Is there anything else you'd like?'

'Me: A puppy'

'C-Dizzle: Ash says you want a puppy. But what kind of puppy?'

'Me: Cal, you guys don't have to get me anything for my birthday. Seriously, as long as you guys can come to my party I'll be happy!'

'MC Hammer: I knew there was a reason we decided to be your friends! Your the cheapest person to buy birthday stuff for ever if you really don't want anything!'

'Me: Yeah love you too Mickey! Lol'

It's weird to think that I've known the 5SOS boys for three and a bit months now. We've grown really close and they're more like brothers then anything. We constantly talk, whether it's text, Skype, snapchat, phone calls or Twitter, we've rarely gone a day without contact since we met.

I'm 22 in a few days and I invited them to my party expecting them not to be able to come. But then they said that they were going to be in England for a few shows so that means they can come and that thought is definitely something I'm happy about. Obviously though it's not just going to be me and them. Friends from before I found fame and friends that I met once I found it are going to be there as well. Oh, and my boyfriend, Joe, we were in a film together three years ago and have been together ever since.

I was sat in my living room, for the first time in what felt like forever because of how much time I've spent in other places for work, when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I asked not knowing who it was because I didn't look at the call ID before answering.

"MORGAN!!!" I instantly recognised the voice at the other end of the phone as one of my favourite people in the whole world.

"Hey Nina! You on the train yet?" I asked happily. Nina opened for me on tour two years ago and we just clicked. The only thing that sucks is that she lives in Scotland and I live London so we don't get to see each other that much because the train ride takes forever! And we're both really busy so that doesn't help either.

"Yeah, I'm about an hour and a half away from Kings Cross. Are still coming to meet me?" Nina asked as I heard muffled voices in the background. "Hold on a sec Morgie, I've just got to sign something.......Okay, I'm back!"

I couldn't help but laugh slightly at Nina's reaction to being asked to sign things, it still surprised her. "Of course I'm coming to meet you! I mean, as long as I can get past the all paparazzi that are standing outside my house waiting for something to happen!" I laughed and so did Nina.

"Okay I'll text you when the trains about 15 minutes away so you can get to the station." She said.

"I'll see you later! Byeeeee!" I chirped as I hung up the phone.


I was standing at the station waiting for Nina as a sea of photographers stood behind me taking my picture and shouting at me to look at them. I wasn't long before I saw Nina walking towards me but I couldn't help but speed-walk towards her and engulf her in a hug. "I'm so happy you're here!" I squealed in her ear.

"So am I! And I can't wait to finally meet the 5SOS boys, I feel like I already know them after the amount you've talked about them! Plus they're totally cute so I will definitely be getting my flirt on at your party." We both burst into laughter at Nina statement, but she was right. They are cute.

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