The Morning After the Night Before...

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~Morgans POV~

How could he? Did three years together mean nothing to him? Because it meant more to me then a drunken fling in a club toilet.

After I saw him walk out of toilet with her I ran out of the club crying my eyes out, only to be met by the sea of paparazzi that were waiting outside. I jumped into a taxi as soon as I could and got into bed and cried until I fell asleep.

I was now sat up in bed scrolling through the various articles that were online about last night. There were several suggested reasons for why I was crying and left in a hurry but none of them were right. I'd been bombarded all morning by people texting and calling to see if I was okay but I didn't reply or answer anyone.

The sudden noise of my front door being unlocked and someone entering my house caught my attention. "Hello?..." I shouted to see who it was. Only a few people had keys to my house and for once they were all in London because of last night.

"Don't worry Morgie! It's only me, Liam and the 5SOS boys." Nina shouted as she walked up the stairs. "We wanted to make sure that you're okay but we thought that you'd want your space last night." As she said this she slipped her shoes off and climbed into my bed next to me so that she could give me a hug that only best friends can give.

"You guys didn't have to come. Honestly, I'll be okay. I just need to let it sink in that I spent the last three years of my life with an absolute arse-wipe and then I'll be fine." I tried to lighten the mood by calling him an arse-wipe but I just ended up crying again. Only this time I was surrounded by people who actually cared rather then being alone.

Liam slowly sat on the opposite side of me to Nina and grabbed my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry Morgan. Harry, Niall and Louis are gunna teach him that he shouldn't mess with our girl." As he said his he kissed the top of my head and squeezed my hand again. I met Liam when I was 12. We went to the same secondary school and I 'accidentally' hit him in the shin with a hockey stick in after-school hockey club after getting too competitive in a match. I got suspended from playing for three weeks but it was totally worth it because I got a brother and best friend out of it.

"I love you guys and that you four are watching out for me, but I really don't want you guys beating anyone up for me and getting in trouble." I said in a concerned manner.

"Don't worry Morgan. They're gunna teach him a lesson but not physically. Have you checked Twitter?" Liam asked as he and the others laughed slightly.

I reached for my phone and opened my Twitter app and seeing Harry, Niall and Louis' latest tweets.

'@Harry_Styles: watch your back mate, 1D and their #Directioners are gunna mess you up if you come near her again... #YouKnowWhoYouAre'

'@Louis_Tomlinson: I suggest sleeping with one eye open, we can be scary when we're upset!'

'@NiallOfficial: I'm gunna get youuuu! Or you know I'll just ask the #Directioners to get you...'

Seeing the 1D boys attempts at being intimating made me smile. The first genuine smile since last night. It really did mean the world to me to know that I had people who cared about me.

~Calums POV~

Seeing Morgan so upset really hurt. It didn't matter that we'd only known her for three and a bit months. She was important to us. Seeing her run out of the club last night caught mine and Nina's attention. Nina ran after her but came back and told me she couldn't see where she'd gone. The others came to find us to tell us what had happened and Nina said that Morgan would want her space and that we'd check on her in the morning. So that's what we did. I exchanged numbers with Nina and she said she'd text us when she was going to see Morgan and that we could tag along if we wanted.

When we got the text this morning we hurried to get ready and meet Nina outside our hotel. She was in a taxi with Liam who we'd learnt had known Morgan for years. We headed straight to Morgan's house and well, now we're sat at the end of her bed trying to cheer her up while Liam makes her some toast to eat and Nina lets her dogs out into her back garden to do their 'business'.

"If you don't smile I'll - I mean - we'll just have to tickle you!" Michael said with a sly smile on his face and me and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Please don't! I knew I shouldn't have told you I was ticklish. What was I thinking!?" Morgan laughed a real laugh, not a forced one, which made us all slightly sigh with relief that she was starting to feel better.

"Honestly? I think you were slightly tipsy when you told me that piece on information. Haha!" Michael laughed and Morgan blushed slightly.

"Yeah I do tend to talk to much when I've had a drink or two..." We all laughed and Luke and Ash moved to sit on either side of her while me and Michael stayed at the end of the bed. Michael glared slightly at Luke and Ash's actions. Seriously, could he get anymore obvious with his feelings for her?

"We have today and tomorrow off, so we're going to keep you company." Ash said as he put his arm around Morgan's petite body.

"Yeah, and we were thinking that if you're feeling better, maybe tomorrow we could do some sightseeing. We've never really gotten a chance too before and Nina said she'd come as well so you're not outnumbered!" Luke said as he nudged Morgan's shoulder.

"I reckon she just wants to see Cal again. You guys looked pretty cosy last night..." Ash quickly added while smirking at me.

"Oh shut up Ash! You're just jealous that she didn't ask you to dance!" I shot back laughing slightly.

"True." At this we all laughed.

"I guess if I'm feeling better getting out and about wouldn't hurt." Morgan said smiling sweetly.

The sound of a plate smashing, dogs barking and Nina and Liam's muffled shouts snapped all our heads to turn towards Morgans bedroom door.

"I think I might have to wait a bit longer for my toast." She laughed. "And I also think I should go and check that my dogs aren't about to be murdered for making Liam drop the plate."

I really hope you liked this part! Who's looking forward to seeing what they get up to when they go sightseeing? Also a huuuuge thank you to anyone whose voted or commented it really means a lot and I really like seeing what people have to say about the story :)

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