First Date Proposals

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~Morgans POV~

"But James, I love you. Please don't leave like this! I need you and I know you feel the same deep down!"

"You're wrong Mary. I don't love you, and I never will. Goodbye."

"AAAAANNNDDDD CUT! Great scene guys. Take five and we'll move onto the next." The director patted myself and my costar Douglas on our backs and walked away.

"Great work Morgan, I'm really enjoying working with you." Douglas said as we walked off set and towards the catering tent.

"Thanks Doug, I'm having fun working with you too!" I smiled as I looked up at him.

'After Love' is the name of the film we're working on at the moment. It's about my character Mary and how she deals with life once her boyfriend James has dumped her. But because they work together she has to see him all the time, including with his next girlfriend.

I haven't actually done many romantic films. I usually do dramas or comedies, so I'm excited to see how the film turns out and what people's reactions are to it.

We made it to the catering tent, grabbed some food and sat down at a table together. None of our cast mates were here as they were filming other scenes or not on set at the moment.

After sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes while we ate, Douglas spoke. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab diner and a drink later once we've finished filming?"

"Sure. We could ask someone of the others too. I know Sarah can't make it because she has a night scene to shoot but Oliver should be free and Lilly and Peter." I smiled as I mentally planned our cast outing.

"Actually, I was thinking just the two of us." Doug said with caution in his voice.

"What? Like a date?" I asked. My voice laced with confusion.

"Exactly like a date Morgan. I know you only broke up with Joe two months ago but I really like you Morgan, and would love to take you out."

"Oh. Well. This is so unexpected."

"I'll pick you up from your place at 7?"

"Sure." I hope this isn't going to be a huge mistake.


I was sat in my room getting ready when my phone started to ring.

It was Nina.

"Hey smelly!" I answered as I balanced my phone between my shoulder and my cheek, due to needing both my hands to do my hair.

"Sorry I missed your call earlier. I was recording and then I had sit through endless interviews." Nina replied sounding out of breath.

"It's ok, I was just calling to let you know that I have a date tonight. Why do you sound so out of breath?"

"Oh I had to run from the car to my flat, it's really raining out there anD WHAT!? DID YOU SAY DATE!?" Nina screamed when she realised what I said.

"Yes! A date! Douglas asked me today. I wasn't too sure when I agreed but maybe it'll go ok?"

"Oh my god! Morg I'm happy that you want to get out there but I just don't want you to get hurt again. Just promise me you'll think before you jump?"

"I promise."

~Calums POV~

I look down at my phone as it starts to vibrate and ring, to see Nina's face appear on the screen. I can't help but smile.

Ever since we met two months ago at Morgan's party we've talked everyday day. Nina's coming to LA soon to work on her new album and I'm planning to take her out on a date.

"Hey Nesbitt." I answer happily.

"I've tried to call Michael but he didn't answer. I need to talk to him now!" Nina urged.

"Wow, slow down. What's going on?"

"Morgan's going on a date with Douglas, the guy she's working with. I know how Michael feels, I'm not stupid Cal. But he needs to know that Morgan's ready to move on so that he can make his move before she falls for someone else! So I'll say it again, I need to talk to Michael now!" Nina explained.

Before she'd even finished telling me why she needed Michael I was already running to my door.

"I'll be at his in five, I'll call you as soon as I'm there!" I said and then hung up.


I got out my car and run up the stairs to Michaels apartment and walked straight in to see him sat on his couch next to Luke playing on his PlayStation. They both looked up as they heard the front door close.

"Dude, you look like you've just seen a ghost. Are you ok?" Michael asks as he and Luke get up and walk towards me.

"Do you not answer your phone anymore!?" I ask in a hurry.

"Wow. Chill. What's the big deal? My phones been on charge in my room." Michael explains looking understandably confused.

"Nina tried to call you. Morgan's going on a date tonight. She said that if you want to make your move you need to do it before she falls for someone else!" I explained as we sat back on the couch.

"What? I don't know what you mean. Why would I want to make a move?" Michael asked scratching the back of him neck and averting his eyes to the floor.

"Because I told them how you feel!" Like blurted out.

"What!?" Michael exclaimed as he looked up at us both.

"Ash and I had already worked it out, Luke just confirmed it." I explained in the hope of claiming Michaels anger towards Luke.

"So what do I do? How do I make a move? She's probably going on a date with some male model and I'm just an awkward guy in a band."

"Well first things first, if we're going to brain storm on what you should do, we should call Ash. We work better together as a four." Luke said as he dialled Ash's number.

Maybe the best option would be for Michael to work this out by himself. But from the look on his face, I think he's relieved that we're all willing to help. Out of all of us he's always been the most awkward when it comes to girls.

But I've seen how Michael and Morgan are together. She'll be good for him, and he will for her. We just need to make it happen first.

Hello! Sorry I've been MIA for quite some time, but I'm back and hopefully I'll be updating again quicker than it took me to post this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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