Chapter 1: New Home

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As the car pulls them up Infront of this tall building that they will be staying in for the next year or possibly even years of their lives, the four members of the new international girl group Four Steps are scared and yet excited about this new chapter of their lives. The leader, and oldest member, Willow is probably the most nervous out of all of them. This is due to the fact that, other than her college campus, Willow has never lived away from her home in the states. The other three girls were all over the place with how they felt about the situation.

"This is so Exciting!" Estefania screamed while leaving the car, she is the youngest member and also the one with the most energy. "We can finally start living our pop star lives!" She pretty much always knew she was going to debut even before they announced winners from the survival show they were one.

"I didn't know they would want us living in Korea even though they told us we were an international group?" Alice said in a nervous tone in her precious British accent, Alice is the member who is likely the most introverted out of the four of them.

"This is what I thought would happen, I knew the CEO would want to take us here the second we saw any success after debut." Yunhee said, Yunhee lived in Korea and trained in Seoul for a couple of months so she knew a bit about the industry. But her training ended before Covid had even began and in early 2020 her family moved to the states after her father got an amazing job in NYC and she has lived there since. 

Once all three of them were out of the car the staff lead them to the elevator. The staff then said something to them in Korean that then Yunhee translated to them.

"We will be living up on the 10th floor of the building.... we will be splitting the floor with a soon to debut K-pop girl group... The rest of the groups in this company mostly live in this building other than two of their groups that have adult members with families... This is our floor!" 

The doors open and then using facial ID and fingerprint, they get let into their dorm. Their dorm consists of four small bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living space.

"This reminds me of college." Willow said with some comfort.

"Didn't you hate college?" Alice said

"I did but the dorms were pretty good." she then put her things down in the bed room assigned to her, closest to the door. She felt a little more comfortable after seeing that the rooms were clean and had everything that they would need. 

"These remind me of the dorms people really wanted in college, because of the kitchen and privacy." Willow is now trying to comfort the girls the best she can but they then started to warm up to it on their own. "I just think that we need to make it our own, once we do that is will feel more like a home."

"Yunhee, do you know of any chain stores like five bellow or something that would have cheap decorations?" Alice asked while taking a seat on their couch.

"I think we have enough money from our debut saved up to get something a little better than five bellow. Right Willow?" Estefania says, while taking a seat on the other end of the couch.

"Yes we should be absolutely fine with money to get whatever we think we need as long as it is reasonable, But a five bellow store like store would be good for smaller things." Willow replied. "We have all of the basics like the larger furniture and appliances we just need to add color to a dull space." she is referencing the greys of the couch, the white cabinets and walls, and everything else that is pretty much stuck in those two colors.

"Both options, not the chain five bellow but something similar, exist in Seoul" Yunhee answered then looked out the window so see their view. "I wonder what other peoples dorms look like?"

"I wonder that too, should we see if we can see the other girls on this floors apartment." Willow responded.

"Too bad the staff, said we wont really get close to the other people here..." Yunhee said, "Its such a weird thing to sa-"

Estefania stops her, "What do you mean you never said that ever! Do they expect us to not have friends in Korea other than each other!"

Willow try's to end the fight before it even starts, "Calm down, It will be fine we can still go to the store with out seeing anyone's room, make it more our own that way. Estefania (walks over to her) we will make friends with them eventually don't worry about it. For now we have each other and that's just fine. Yunhee can you tell us everything next time though please."

"I am sorry she was taking very fast and I can only translate so much. Lets just go to the store this sad room are making all of the sounds around us noticeable." Yunhee said after they all kept looking up at the celling due to all of the noisy footsteps of the dorm above them. They could also hear some singing happening in the shower they stared the wall with.

"Oh we need a TV." Willow said realizing there was not one already.

"TV with loud speakers" Alice response makes all of the girls stop fighting and start laughing.


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