Chapter 2: The Girls Down Stairs

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"Yoojoon, you know Jihu hates it when your hands are on the windows like that!" Shiwoo, the youngest of Dream E, says not wanting for those two to get into an argument again.

"Shiwoo, their here! Look at how little the one is, just like little Shiwoo." Yoojoon says when seeing the new girl group walk into the building for the first time.

"Hey, Joon don't talk to him that way he might still be growing." Jihu, the oldest member of the group, says while walking to the kitchen and giving Shiwoo a little pat on the head. "Are your hands putting stains on our windows again!"

"Not me I stopped doing that after you told me to not last time." Yoojoon says while sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Then Joon I would like to know who did since you are the only person by the window and talking about what you saw outside of the window." Jihus voice gets stronger but he does not like screaming in the apartments because he does not want to get their leader Daniel involved while he is working on music.

"Hyung, why do you always think it is me and never think it was Shiwoo I was literally talking to him!" Yoojoon does not really notice his volume often.

"How would he do it if he was on the couch Yoojoon. Just don't do it again and please stop calling Shiwoo small he is 5'7" He just wants this conversation to end and for him to stop putting hand stains on his windows.

"Fine" Yoojoon says giving up and sits next to Shiwoo.

"Good" Jihu starts walking away to grab his cold brew from the fridge.

"Thank you Hyung" Shiwoo yells to him as Jihu walks to his room.

"Whatever" Jihu slams the door behind him.

"Why doesn't he ever join Daniel they are both making music.... Where are you going." Shiwoo turns to see Yoojoon walk back to the window.

"I think they are working on differe..... Crap their gone!" Joon wants to slam his hands on the window but stops himself.

"Shiwoo, Daniel wants to hear your voice on this part neither of us are singing it right so he wants to see if you can before he changes it... Hyung please don't put your hands on the window." Sooho, the oldest member of the maknae line, says after walking out of Daniels room/music studio.

"Coming!" Shiwoo runs right into Daniels room. He loves getting the difficult parts because he does not get many other lines, even as the main vocal.

"My hands are no longer on the window I just had a talk with JJ about it you missed it. The girls are gone anyway it does not matter." Yoojoon starts to walk to his and Sooho's shared room when Alex runs in.

"I missed the girls! I slept in too much." he goes to the window sees that they are gone flops onto the couch.

"Why do, you care so much" Yoojoon scoffs

"I didn't know you wanted to see them." Sooho says after sitting on one of the other chairs in the room.

"All four of them speak English, I even looked it up and three of them lived in America just like me and Daniel. We can finally speak English with people other than the two of us. Just like that I missed them." Alex then lays across the couch.

"Do they have the cowboy accent that you have too or are they going to sound like normal Americans." Yoojoon jokes then walks away before someone walks in and tells him to stop again.

"Sometimes I really hate him." Alex says and sits up.

"Same, I am sure you and Daniel will meet them soon." Sooho says to comfort Alex.

"Thank you Hyung" Alex says "Its so weird that even in a big company like this that it is only the two of us this whole time...."

Then a door swings open.

"It works! Shiwoo is prefect for this part Sooho. I will literally take whatever parts the rest of you guys don't want if it means this song does not have to change! Why does Alex look sad." Daniel went from excited to concerned.

"Its stupid... I didn't get to see the girl group that's moving in." Alex said sort of embarrassed.

"He wanted to meet more English speakers." Sooho says to Daniel

"That's not stupid Alex I know its been hard, being just the two of us. We will meet them I promise." Daniel try's to comfort Alex the best he possibly can.

One of their dorm room doors swings open and Yoojoon runs out straight to the window.

"THEIR BACK OUTSIDE!" He says with his hands once again pressed to the windows. But this time no one says anything because even the boys who were working got up all, six of them pressed to the window looking out at the four girls outside.

"Ok lets stop being creeps everyone." Daniel says, but is smiling, in a cute way, looking at them.

"Ok then you move." Jihu says because Daniel was right behind him.

Daniel laughs a bit at himself and then says "Ok a couple of more seconds."

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