Chapter 10:

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As Sooho walks in the door of his groups apartment. He is beaming so much that its hard not to notice how happy he is. Alex is playing video games sitting on the floor in the living rom but notices Sooho's happiness right away. Sooho shuts the door behind him and starts walking in. Before he gets to go wherever he his trying to go Alex stops his game and immediately faces Sooho.

"Your skin care add makes you that happy Hyung." Alex asks very confused. "You really seamed like you didn't want to this morning.

"Oh it was fine, but no I have some new fun information about how fun tomorrow is going to be. But that is all I can say." Sooho says running to go put new skin care products he got at the commercial filming.

"What do you mean." Alex says getting up and following him around.

"Nothing I cant say!" Sooho says trying to get away from Alex.

"Oh you are going to tell me." Alex says pinning him in a corner.

"Let me go to my room please." Sooho begs.

Then Yoojoon and Shiwoo heard what going on in the hall and came out to see it.

"What's going on?" Shiwoo asks

"He knows something and wont tell us." Alex says pinning him to the wall. "I will stand here till you tell me."

"OooOhh what do you think it could be?" Shiwoo giggles.

"He said tomorrow is going to be fun and then ran away." Alex says. "Tell us."

"I will be in so much trouble if this ruins something at the event tomorrow. She will kill me." Sooho wines trying to get away.

 "WHO!" Yoojoon screeches and the other boys also look really excited.

Then Jihu and Daniel also walk out of Jihu's room confused by all the screaming.

"What's going on?" Jihu asks.

"Yunhee and I were talking and now they are pressuring me to say more. But I don't want to tell them what I privately talked about." Sooho is still trying to get to his room still.

"Well its because he said that tomorrow was going to be fun. What is that supposed to mean. He said it with the widest smile I have ever seen on him." Alex says still facing Sooho.

"What was it about please just give us a hint." Shiwoo begged.

"Just give us the basics without giving anything away." Jihu says.

"I cant!, Could some of you back away maybe I will tell a small group of you but not all of you at once." Sooho begs.

"Ok I am the leader tell me then we could slowly tell everyone else." Daniel says.

"You are the last person I can tell." Sooho mutters.

"OH MY GOD!" Alex screams.

"What did he say." Yoojoon asks because the rest of them were not close enough to hear it. 


"What about us." Yoojoon whines. 

"You two wont take it serious any ways. Sorry." Alex says dragging Sooho by his wrist into his and Shiwoo's room the other two boys called also come in and the door is quickly closed behind them. 

They all talk in the room in a very whispered tone. Alex also puts music on to make it even harder for the two of them to hear if they tried to listen in.

"Ok I have a solid guess now what's going on and what do you know." Alex says to a very red Sooho.

"I really shoul..."

"I know but you really should tell us so we can at least help it be perfect." Alex says cutting Sooho off.

"Fine she said what you think." Sooho says looking down. 

"What does that mean exactly? Me and Shiwoo didn't exactly hear what you two had to say earlier." Jihu says extremally confused.

"Willow likes Daniel a lot." Sooho says bright red.

"Shut up!" Jihu says now very interested.

"I was leaving the car and saw that Yunhee was going to need help bringing in groceries so I went to help her and accidently made a joke that Alex and Daniel would be excited to make new American friends. Her response to that was that Willow would be excited to know Daniel was and we both joked about it and then we both realized that the two of them had the largest crushes on each other and thought about telling each other tomorrow." Sooho says staring at the floor blushing a lot. "Also Yunhee is so much sweeter when Yoojoon is not there."

"Ohhh stop it has going to be so happy. We have to tell him he has to talk to her about it tomorrow." Alex says super excited. 

"Don't tell him that will completely break the trust Yunhee has in me." Sooho says nervous.

"Oh we wont tell him we will just make sure they talk tomorrow." Jihu says. "Oh imagine the cute songs he's going to write about her Dreamers (Their fandom name) are going to love the adorable love songs."

"How did you immediately think of work." Shiwoo says turning to him. 

"Well I did not think about the real work situation here of hiding the two of them but I am sure they will figure that out." Jiu says.

"Well please don't tell him that she likes him that would kill how cute the two of them are going to be." Sooho says.

"We wont but we have to make sure its perfect for them." Jihu says.

"Oh it will be." Sooho says "As long as he does not whimp out of it." 

"He will try but we will just keep pushing them together if that happens." Alex says.

"I think this is going to work." Shiwoo says.

"Lets leave before they get suspicious." Jihu says.

They open the door and they are both against the door trying to hear something.

"Did you have to make it completely impossible to hear." Yoojoon says.

"That was literally the whole point Hyung." Alex says going back to his video game.

"To change the subject, Daniel Hyung." Shiwoo says.

"Yes Shiwoo?" Daniel asks.

"So how are you going to ask out Willow tomorrow?" He asks.

They all turn to face him and Sooho looks like he is going to kill a kid and Jihu has to hit him for him to stop his faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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