Chapter 5: Midnight Idea

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After learning about all of the different groups that are under the same label as the four of them they all realize how late it is and go to bed. They all wish each other good night and go to their respective rooms. Willow gets ready for bed and gets into her bed but throughout the night she is twisting and turning in her sleep. She spends that whole night thinking about what they talked about. Trying to figure out a way to get to know any of them at least just for Alice. 

That's when she has an idea. She remembers when they had the virtual tour of the building before moving in and remembered how large the main dance room was. She thought they could totally get in a projector and a screen and they could all watch a movie together (in Korean with English subtitles). She would work the kinks out with the girls in the morning but this idea made her so happy she was able to eventually fall asleep around 2 in the morning.

Then in the morning as they all slowly wake up and start their day with their new schedule around 10 in the morning Willow leaves her room and goes to get breakfast. When she walks to the small kitchen area  she spots Estefania eating breakfast Infront of the television. 

"Hey Stef, I had an idea last night that I think we could surprise Alice with." Willow says to her while being in her room. 

"What do you mean?" Stef asks tired and lost.

Willow then explains this to her.

"How is this a surprise to Alice." Estefania asked.

"We would not tell her about it till we brought her into the room with all of her favorite Kpop Idols." Willow says seaming really exited about her idea. 

"That's actually not the worst idea I have ever heard." Estefania is also getting into the plan. "You know you have to convince Yunhee then." 

"I think we can Stef." Willow says as Yunhee walks through the door.

"Convince me of what plan exactly." Yunhee asks.

"What's happening?" Alice says sleepily walking out of her room.

"Nothing we can talk about it later we do have to record some music today so lets get ready." Willow says.

They all eat and then begin to get ready for the day. When they then get a knock at the door.

"Where we expecting anyone?" Willow says while walking to the door.

"I don't think so maybe its staff checking on us?" Yunhee says but honestly they all have no clue.

When she opens the door she sees two guys and then it hits her. Its two of the boys from DreamE.

"Hello, we are both sorry to interrupt what you were working on but we are here to apologies for what Yoojoon did yesterday." One of the boys said. Willow had a hard time remembering their names but definitely remembered his face.

"Oh, thank you that's so kind of you to do right ladies." Willow says as she turns to the girls.

"Yes an he apologize to us himself though." Yunhee says. Willow looks at her nervous that she is going to ruin a possible friendship between the two groups. 

"He does not speak much English so that is why I have been doing all of the speaking."

"And that is extremally kind of you thank you so~" Then Yunhee cuts off Willow 

"Well good thing I speak Korean." She says making direct eye contact with Yoojoon. In Korean she says "So your here to apologies for staring at us all day when ever we did anything and went any where. I would like to accept it if I get a good reason why. The three of them will except pretty much any apology but I personally still think you are a creep so just tell me why you were staring at us." They then have a back and forth conversation with just the two of them.

While they have this conversation Willow walks up to English speaking member. "I am so sorry about this, she was really disturbed by it." 

"I completely understand the situation and am so embarrassed by it. I am Daniel by the way." He says giving her his hand to shake.

She shakes his hand. "Willow, you are the leader of your group correct right, Alice was telling us about you guys yesterday." She then turns around and Alice is gone and Estefania went to go take a shower. "Where ever she went, she is a huge fan of you guys." She laughs it off. 

"Yeah I am the leader of five weird dudes, especially my problem child right here." They both turn to other kids conversation.

"I wont call her my problem child but the one that does this the most and listens maybe the least. She is super nice once you get to know her though." She said to him 

"That sounds like a problem child to me." He says and then laughs making her laugh. She then looks at the clock.

"Oh shit, sorry one second, Ladies we have 30 minutes till the recording session please finish getting ready." She yells out to them. "Sorry its our first recording session here and we really should not be late, I normally wouldn't kick people out like this I prom~"

Daniel stops her right their. "Not a problem, see you around." Turns to Yoojoon who at this point is so pink in the face after his conversation with Yunhee. Daniel says in Korean, "Lets go." They both then walk out of their room. "Thank you for letting us in and sorry about yesterday again." Daniel says and then shuts the door softly behind him and Yoojoon.

"What did you say to that guy Yunhee." Willow turns to her and says.

"Just know it wont happen again." She walks away to her room.

"Yunhee," Willow says super nervous but then she is already gone. Then Alice walks out of her room finally, "Where were you I thought you would like seeing them."

"I just panicked I didn't know what to do or say so I just ran." Alice said really embarrassed.  

"Oh ok I understand. Lets get ready to go." Willow says starting to gather her things.

"Will we going to talk about how much you giggled when talking to you new friend." Yunhee says teasing.

"He is very nice I don't know why you are saying it like that." Willow says

"You like him don't you." Yunhee says to her

"I don't even really know him I met him today how would I like him." Willow says starting to get red in the face.

"I don't know I saw how he looked at you." Estefania says walking in room. "I think maybe it was a mutual liking."

"Alright lets go to work ladies." Willow says trying to end this conversation.

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