Meet the Characters

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Novastar Galaxy is a 19 year old woman. Nova is protective and seems to be hostile, but under the surface is probably Zaun's biggest sweetheart. She is 6'7 and covered in scars. Nova isn't afraid to tell Silco and Sevika where to stick it. But Jinx... Well. That's a whole nother story for a different time.

Breeze Galaxy is a 11 year old transmale. He's protective of his siblings and is very street-smart. Need any sort of weapons made from literally nothing? Hr's your guy. Breeze is 4'5. He has a certain protectiveness over Nova and is equally stubborn as his big sister. If there's one thing these Galaxys don't run short of, it's stubbornness. Breeze has a strong dislike towards Silco and harbors somewhat aggressive feelings for Jinx.

Gem Galaxy is an 8 year old girl. She's sassy and a diva and has a problem when she doesn't get what she wants. Gem is 3'7. She likes bossing her siblings around and isn't fond of hugs.

Puppy Galaxy is a 4 year old boy. He's sweet and goofy. Also he's a very kind soul who doesn't like fighting. He is 3'1. He absolutely adores Nova and hates when she has to work. Puppy finds Jinx thrilling to be around.

And Spunky Galaxy is a 2 year old boy. Competitive by nature, he hates to lose. He LOVES to rough house with his older siblings. Nova usually spares time just to playfully (and carefully) wrestle with him. This silly boy is 2'5.

The Galaxys are all Shifters. They have the ability to be either animal or human at will.

Zero is Nova's non-binary best friend. They acknowledged her as 'Boss' due to some sort of thing that happened in their past.

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