Chapter 2: Secret's Out

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"Jinx, stay behind me." Nova warned. But Jinx, frightened, took off. Nova cursed silently under her breath and took off after the wiry female. The Enforcer and his companions gave chase.

"I hope Nova's alright." Zero muttered. Puppy was rolling on the floor.

"When will she be home?" He asked.

"I don't know. She should've been back by now." they admitted. Spunky huffed, crossing his arms. Breeze and Gem were in the room over doing who knows what.

"What, Spunkster?" Zero sighed, sitting down next to the 2-year-old boy. Spunky leapt on top of Zero, clinging onto them and roaring happily.

"Oh no! It's the vicious Spunky!" Zero fauxed cried. They smiled warmly at the little boy. He climbed the "Zero Mountain" to their head.

"Where are you going?" Zero chuckled as their neon-blue hair was pushed against their head. Spunky thought for a moment, shrugging. Zero laughed.

"Jinx!" Nova yelled, chasing after the incredibly fast young woman. Jinx leapt over boxes and crates, easily running. Nova caught her and pulled them into an alleyway, clutching the frightened girl to her chest.

"Shh." Nova hissed, moving them behind crates. The pair of Enforcers ran by. Jinx started to hyperventilate as Nova checked the area.

"They're gonna take me away from Silco and lock me up." she whimpered.

"Not if I have something to say about it." Nova told her sternly. Jinx looked at her startled. Nova started to walk out.

"HEY!" she growled, catching the Enforcers' attention. They came over, yelling.

"Galaxy. She's a dangerous criminal. Out of the way." the larger Enforcer snapped.

"Over. My. Dead. Body." Nova shifted, a roar that sounded like it was mixed with a howl escaping her. Jinx looked at her with wide frightened eyes. Nova could tell from the silence of the Enforcers that they were scared too. Thankfully, everyone in the alleyway had fled when the Enforcers came through. She lunged at them, her body mass sending them flying into the closest things. One of the Enforcer's backs hit a crate and an audible snap was heard. That man didn't move afterwards. Jinx shot the two other Enforcers, breathing heavily. Nova moved backwards on her haunches and Jinx attached herself to the Shifter's chest. Nova shifted back, looking at her.

"Ya are a Shifter. Ya just risked ya whole life and possibly ya siblings." Jinx breathed.

"Ya may be a tad rough around the edges and extremely mentally unstable, but I see someone who's perfect otherwise." Nova admitted, untangling the girl from her.

"Perfect? I am far from perfect!" Jinx whimpered.

"Well. In reality, no one is perfect. But we're all perfect in our own ways." Nova noted.

"I ain't getting that guy today. I gotta get home to the nut crew." Nova told her. Jinx nodded as Nova walked off.

"I hope some kids are excited to see me because I'm back!" Nova yelled.

"YES YES YES YES!" Puppy ran up crying. Breeze hugged her as tight as he could. Gem and Spunky hung off of her.

"Great! I thought ya were going to tell me to get lost." Nova teased, adjusting Gem on her back.

"We would have! WHERE WERE YOU!?" Breeze yelled, shaking Nova.

"I got held up with the job. I gotta go back later and try to find that person." Nova admitted.

Her Jinx (Jinx x Fem! OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now