Chapter Five

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Everyone cheered when you walked into the mess hall.

"Echo! You made it! We didn't think you were gonna show." Payback called out to you, looking up from his hands.

You stared at all the personnel in front of you. Even Cyclone had made an appearance, chatting away with Hondo and Warlock. Your entire class was right at the center of the room, engaging in a tense match of Uno. You blinked, and pulled your tank top down to cover your midriff. Your booty shorts were a bit too high for your liking, so you tried to pull them down simultaneously. You were about to turn around, because what the fuck have you just walked in on, when you spotted a large plate of sandwiches behind the Uno table, and, oh god, they have that delicious rye bread, you need to eat. You edged awkwardly around the room, towards the table laden with food. You grabbed a sandwich, a couple of pistachios, and some MnMs. You saw an empty seat next to Rooster, but pointedly avoided it. Best not to tempt fate. As you settled down in the back, next to Fanboy, Cyclone caught your eye. You whimpered a little, because lord you were hungry, but you set down the plate and wandered over to the officers, pulling down your shirt again. It was suddenly very cold. At least you had had the foresight to put on a bra.

"It seems that the other trainees don't know that you've never been to TOPGUN before."

"I don't think they do sir. Is it okay if we kept it that way for now? I don't want them to look down on me. After I have proven myself, then I'll tell them."

"I don't care what you tell them. It makes sense that you would want to keep it a secret."

"Thank you sir." You started to turn away, but looked back at him. "What - What is this?"

"Every year, after the first day of classes, everyone goes to a party here." Hondo answered. "There aren't very many of us on base, so it's usually just a small little thing, but this year is even smaller than usual. Three of our students didn't want to join, Maverick is out on a date, and Iceman is too sick to join. So it's just us 11. But it's kind of nice, having a tight-knit group like this."

You nodded. "Is that all sir?"

"Yes." They went back to chatting.

You made your way back over to Fanboy. You reached him, but before you could sit and finally eat, Rooster put his cards on the table and got up. He set his sights on you and started walking over.

"Hey. Nice outfit."

"Ha ha. I didn't know about this whole thing. Or, you know, I forgot. Thought I'd be alone down here."

He looked at your nervous tugging of your shirt, and took off his Hawaiian shirt. Underneath he had a white tank top, just like the ones he always wears. He passed it to you. You thought about refusing, but realistically, you needed it more than him. You held out your hand, and as he passed it to you, his fingers grazed your palm. You shivered, and put it on.

"Thank you."

"No prob." He went back to his game. You watched for a bit. Hangman and Rooster were bickering, both convinced they would win. It was clear that Phoenix was going to win, however, and she was just toying with them.

"I haven't had a single Wild all game, and I'm down to two cards. You've had four Wilds, and you still have a fistful of cards." Hangman taunted Rooster.

"I'm waiting to make my move. I'm building the perfect hand." Rooster spat back.

"Boys, boys. Don't fight." Phoenix put on a dramatic frown. "Especially not when you're both losers." She placed down four plus two cards, emptying her hand, then cheered and fist pumped. Coyote and Bob clapped her on the back, while Payback bent over in a fit of giggles. You spotted a series of empty shot glasses in front of him. "Should someone cut him off?" You asked Fanboy.

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