Chapter Nine

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Maverick loved to show off, everyone knew that. But this was even more risky than anything he had ever done before. Directly disobeying orders, stealing a plane, hijacking a lesson, and a million other things. But you couldn't help being impressed. He had balls, that was for sure.

Maverick swooped and spun for a few minutes, just to show how untouchable he was. Then, he started the computer simulation after he was sure he had everyone's attention. He started the run, pushing his jet faster and faster. As he pushed it, he talked us through his techniques.

"It can be done, you just can't think about it. Just go for it. Push the engine further, faster, than ever before. Here, watch how I flip over the top of this ridge, do you see how I did that? Not one of you did that in training."

As he flew, you watched the plane closely on the computer screen. You memorized his moves, ready to recreate them when necessary. He was really such a good flier, even if he was a terrible military man.

Maverick was beginning to run out of time, and he hadn't even dropped the bomb yet. As he simulated dropping the bomb, however, the nose of his plane suddenly shot straight up, at an almost perfect 90 degree angle. You all gasped. The G-force he was experiencing must have been incredibly painful. You'd be shocked if he didn't pass out. As he pushed the plane further, you clutched Rooster's hand, worried about Maverick. Rooster didn't hold your hand back, just sat still, limp hand in your clutch.

Maverick flew out of the simulated valley, and leveled his plane. He had successfully done the impossible. You let go of Rooster's hand and cheered. Phoenix and Bob joined in too, and you all clapped. Cyclone hadn't said a word throughout Mav's whole run, but he now cleared his throat.

"I don't mean to ruin the mood, but we still have to train. Maverick will be dealt with later."

As the elation dissipated out of the room, reality began to sink in. You all sighed, and sat back in your seats.

"That wasn't my only piece of news. The mission needs to take place a little earlier than expected. We have two weeks. See you outside the hangar in five." He turned on his heel and left the room.

The class erupted around you.

"Two weeks? We had over a month!"

"How are we supposed to learn that in two weeks?"

"What the fuck?"

You shook your head, and stood. Omaha and Bob stood too. The three of you left the classroom, as the others continued to grumble behind you. You all made your way to the hangar, complaints ceasing as soon as Cyclone was in earshot. You suspected he knew that everyone had been complaining the whole way down, but if he did he chose not to say anything.

As you all flew that lesson, you thought about the coming days. It would be a lot of difficult training, a lot of early mornings and late nights. You'd be lucky to get one meal a day.

Cyclone started speaking over the coms. "We're going to run the mission as I told you to do it earlier. It's just not practical to expect of you what Maverick just did. Echo, you're up first. Just go as low and as fast as you think you safely can."

You gritted your teeth, then relaxed. You took a deep breath, rolled your shoulders back, and lined yourself up low to the ground. As Cyclone counted down, you recalled Mav's flight pattern. You could visualize his every move, from the slight turns to the small spirals. You grinned, and took off, speeding through the simulation. You turned, twisted, and spun, just as Mav had. You were almost as fast as he had been, your jet speeding along just behind the trail his simulation had left in the computer. As you neared where the valley would be, you flew upwards, then turned your jet upside down to flip over the top of the peak. Your jet dipped down, almost skimming where the ground would be, and then you were back upright, speeding towards the place that the bomb was supposed to be delivered. You clicked the button that would have dropped a bomb in the real deal, instead opening a small hatch of confetti. You were nearing the most difficult part now, and you braced yourself. You were close to where the wall of the valley would be.

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