Chapter Six

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You had been at the base for a week. You were starting to fall into the rhythm of the routine, although you had little-to-no time to spend with the other trainees. You had been mostly avoiding Rooster, occasionally making small talk in the dining hall, but never spending one-on-one time with him. You just couldn't trust yourself to be around him, and it was getting harder. Every time you saw him now, you felt a tug behind your belly button.

As you flew your plane on the last day of basic fighter maneuvers, you looked out the window. You were over the ocean, and it looked beautiful. The sun sparkled on the water, and you could have sworn you saw a dolphin. You and the other trainees twisted and turned your planes, following the directions of Mav, who flew 300 miles below you, skimming the water. He praised your maneuvers, asking the other trainees to hang back and watch you. He started giving you more advanced orders, watching you weave all over the sky, desperately trying to follow his instructions. After one particularly hard maneuver, that involved a barrel roll over Mav's plane into a spiral downwards towards the ocean, and then a steep climb back up to 300 feet, Coyote and Rooster whooped. Mav turned on his mic.

"Adequate work Echo, now fall back, let's give Hangman a shot."

You slowed your plane down until you had taken Hangman's spot, then watched as he rolled and weaved according to Maverick's orders. One by one, every student had a chance to show off their skills. They were all so skilled, but especially Hangman. He really didn't care about what he was doing, and had a very laid-back attitude to everything, choosing to mock instead of listen, but there was no denying that he had talent. Payback and Fanboy finished their run last, and everyone cheered. You all turned your planes around, landed, and jumped out.

"You're really good, Echo. I mean, of course you are, to be here, but you're really, really good. How have I never seen you in any of the TOPGUN graduation announcements?" Payback clasped you on the back, as the others gathered around, chattering excitedly. It was a crucial moment, the end of a subject. Tomorrow, it was finally time to start precision-guided munitions employment, which everyone was excited for.

You sighed. "Okay. I have something to admit. Please don't be mad."

The conversations around you died out, everyone listening in suddenly. You adjusted your collar, coughing uncomfortably. "I'm not actually a TOPGUN graduate."

Everyone was silent now. Payback had stopped moving altogether, and was looking at you, mouth agape. "What."

"I think that's pretty self-explanatory." You grinned.

Fritz, Omaha, Coyote, Fanboy, and Halo kept walking into the base, not bothered by your discussion. Payback, Bob, Phoenix, Hangman, and Rooster stayed back to talk.

"So you mean to tell us that you were just selected from a pool of regular air force soldiers?" Phoenix had an eyebrow raised so high that it was almost lost in her hairline.

"Um. No, actually, this is my first experience with anything military."

"You're joking."

"Nope. Although my dad was in a TOPGUN class about 30 years ago, back in '86. And my other dad was in the Navy. So I still know a little more than just a random civilian off the street. But yeah, basically."

Rooster whistled. "You sure joined the game late."

"I suppose."

After a few more rounds of questioning, they were satisfied. Although you were in a unique circumstance, they didn't care much. You had proven yourself, and as long as you could be a valuable asset to the team, it didn't matter if you weren't a TOPGUN graduate like the rest of them. Even Hangman didn't seem to mind, and he had a problem with everything.

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