Chapter Eight

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Saturday morning, you were all called to class later than usual. You got to a new classroom at 9:00, one that was indoors and a few floors up. The seats were plush and blue, and the room was small. You had a muffin in one hand and a small, kiddie juice box in the other. It was delicious. You plopped down in your usual seat, most of the class already there. Hangman was at the front of the room, in the first row of chairs, and turned around to wave you over to him. Rooster raised an eyebrow at you as you stood and walked over to Hangman. You sat down next to him.

"What can I help you with, Jake?"

"I had a revelation at the bar last night. I looked out the window and saw you and Rooster walking together down the beach."

"Yes, we walked home together last night. The rest of the group was there, too."

"Right. But they weren't really with you, were they?"

"What are you getting at, Hangman?"

"Hangman? That's cold, Echo."

You raised an eyebrow. He laughed. "Your revelation ... ?"

"Okay fine. I think that you and Rooster would have become a thing by now if it was ever going to happen. And you haven't yet, so I don't think you have what it takes to build an actual relationship."

You blinked. What was he talking about? "Jake, what is this? Rooster and I are good friends."

"Exactly. I think that you and I, however, could be more."

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you hitting on me right now?" Your voice raised slightly in astonishment, and several other students heard. A few of them laughed. Bradley clenched his jaw but kept staring forwards.

"Wolfe, I've been hitting on you for a week. But yes, I'm asking you out."

"Jake. I'm flattered, but I can't."

"Because of him?" He pointed at Rooster, finger shaking slightly despite his calm exterior.

"Because I don't think it's appropriate for coworkers to get involved with each other romantically."

Jake was silent for a second, and then nodded. "I can accept that."

You patted his arm. "You're a good friend to me, Jake. No need to complicate it."

He grinned. As he opened his mouth to say something else, Cyclone walked into the classroom, a grim look on his face. "Class is canceled today. You will all be in attendance at the funeral."

You looked around. Who had died? All the students were there. You saw confusion on everyone else's faces, and evidently Cyclone saw it too.

"He didn't tell you. Of course he didn't. Iceman passed last night."

The students gasped around you. Rooster gently brought a hand to his mouth. You stood, your vision blurring. You could not cry in front of the other trainees; that would be showing weakness. But Iceman had been a close friend of your father in later years, and you had grown up with him coming over for barbecues or to take you to a game. You walked out of the classroom without being dismissed, but Cyclone didn't say anything. You walked down the hall, desperate to find a small, dark corner to hide in. As you neared an empty classroom, you heard footsteps behind you. But you ignored them, speeding up to enter the classroom. You sat on the floor, under the blackboard, and let the tears flow. The person who had been behind you in the hall knocked lightly, but you ignored them, hoping they would go away. But Rooster is a persistent man, and he pushed open the door, entering and closing it behind him. He walked over to you, and sat down next to you. He didn't say anything, didn't touch you, just sat next to you. You kept crying, but his presence was a comfort. You turned to him, and hugged him, and he placed his arms around you, gently, resting his chin on top of your head. The two of you sat like that for a while, until your tears stopped and you just felt empty. He never said a word, but that was what you needed right then. He gently patted your arm.

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