Chapter Two

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Bored as hell, I stood waiting patiently for my new foster parent on the sidewalk beside the large group home I had been constantly been placed back into since I was five years old. I breathed a heavy sigh as I thought about all the times I had been in this exact same situation before in the past and how I had always ended up back here all over again. It sucks. 

I clenched the hem of my seemingly small suitcase in frustration as I thought about everything the protection agency had put me through over the years.

For a sixteen year old girl that had witnessed her own mother murdered by her father right in front of her when she was only five years old, they honestly don't seem to give a single fuck about me. I bet no one would care if I had disappeared, and hopefully they don't once I do. They'll finally be rid of me and I'll have what I've always wanted; freedom. 

Glancing down at my old cheap watch, I rolled my eyes in complete and utter boredom as I kept staring at the time and hoped it would change. My new foster parent was supposed to be here over forty minutes ago, at least that's what my social worker told me before she disappeared to a late meeting. 

She told me to look out for a woman named 'Katherine O'Connell' and refer to her by that name. I wasn't surprised Katherine was late though, surprisingly in the past one of my foster parents hadn't even turned up to collect me at all. I remember it like it was only yesterday.

I was only ten year old, and I was left waiting outside in the pouring rain for more than two days straight, waiting for someone to take me into their home and give me a warm blanket to sleep in and kiss me goodnight. But I was in for a rude awakening. 

Unfortunately, the world wasn't like that. It was cruel and hardhearted. As I grew up, I learned that no one would protect me, so I had to take care of myself. I had to be my own best friend. I couldn't trust anybody else. It wasn't even worth it. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. God, I have better things to do right now than to wait for someone who most likely won't even show up at all.

I dug my I POD nano out of mini suitcase. Plugging my earphones in, I searched through my songs and settled for My Chemical Romance's The Ghost of You and waited for what seemed like hours outside. Surprisingly, I had listened to my whole playlist before she had even arrived and I had over thirty songs. Not wanting to listen to the same songs twice, I put my I POD nano in the front mini pocket of my suitcase and zipped it up, hoping I wouldn't get mugged out here in the street.

Suddenly, a white Ferrari 458 Italia swiftly cruised around the corner of the street, capturing everyone's attention, including mine. My eyes widened in shock as I overlooked the expensive car that was parked right in front of me. This car cost at least two hundred and forty thousand dollars! Fuck!

Almost abruptly, a tall and gorgeous woman stood out from the car and briefly scanned her surroundings. She looked lost in this neighborhood, I thought to myself.

I looked like bat shit compared to her. She wore expensive clothing; a tight red V neck three quarter sleeve dress that fitted her slim figure perfectly, her radiant blonde hair fell in long vibrant locks down her shoulders and she looked incredible.

While I, Lacey Davenport, wore faded old jeans, a MCR t-shirt and black converse shoes. My long, brown hair fell in large curls down my back and I was seemingly skinny, but curvy in all the right places.

I said it once, I'll say it again; I was like bat shit compared to this woman. Scratch that, I was nothing compared to this woman. She is so gorgeous. 

She stared back at me, confusion clouding within the depths of her light blue eyes as her gaze connected with mine. 

She obviously was not expecting a girl who dressed like this but I guess that was her own damn problem if she had.

Without a word, she walked gracefully towards me with her head held high. She wasn't slouching and she appeared confident as she strode towards me.

''Lacey Davenport?'' She spoke up, catching my attention.

''Yeah.'' I replied, barely responding. Wait, was she my new foster parent? Holy Shi-

''Don't say 'yeah'.'' She politely demanded, as if she was somehow mocking me. ''Say 'Yes' instead of 'Yeah' or 'Yup'. It's more polite.''

''Sorry.'' I responded, barely even believing it myself.

She softly sighed, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow as she glanced back at me.

''You've stayed in this group home since you were five years old, is that correct?''

''Yes.'' She raised an eyebrow as she took in my appearance. I could tell I was currently being judged but I didn't care, I wasn't exactly raised in Beverly hills like she appeared to have been.

''But you've also lived in other foster homes?''

''Yes.'' I briefly replied. ''Are you Katherine O'Connell?'' I asked confusingly, before she nodded in response.

Without another word, she whipped around, turning on her heel and proceeded back towards the car. She sat in the front seat, rolling down the passenger seat window so she could peer up at me as I stood still on the sidewalk.

''Get in.''

''Wait-'' I said, confusingly. ''Aren't you supposed to sort it out with my social worker first? or the Protection Agency before we leave?''

She chuckled, ''Lacey, I have already sorted it out with the protection agency and your social worker months before you even knew about it. You are going to be staying with us but I don't know how long for yet, I'll sort it out with my husband when the time comes.''


''Good. Now put your suitcase in the boot.''

As if on command, I trailed to the back of the car and lowered my suitcase in the boot, shutting it securely. Then, I quickly half-ran to the side of the car before I opened the door and parked my ass down in the passenger seat.

Nothing but silence was shared between us as I sat in the passenger seat beside Katherine, waiting patiently for her to turn on the engine and leave. Once I put on my seat belt, she drove down the street and made a sharp left turn, clearly heading towards the motorway.

''Do you have many clothes? you only have a small suitcase.'' Katherine piped up, curiously awaiting an answer.

''Well for a kid that grew up in a number of different foster homes, no. I don't have many clothes.''

She looked sincere, as if she was thinking deeply about something. I was actually stunned by her sincere reaction. Normally foster parents wouldn't care about the mistreatment of a child that isn't theirs but I guess Katherine did. ''I'll make sure to buy you more clothes when we get back, okay?''

''Oh, okay...'' I thankfully replied before I stared out the passenger seat window, thinking about what the new house would look like. Obviously, they were loaded. It wasn't hard to figure that one out but I became a little intimidated knowing that this car costs enough to buy a house for at least two people.

Katherine glanced down at the radio, turning on a few classical hits from the early 50's. I slouched down in the seat, wishing that if there was a god, that he could strike me down right now. I hated classical music.

This was going to be a long car ride.

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