Chapter Four

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Fuck, this house literally has no trace of a smoke packet anywhere.

I must be in a smoker free household.

Well shit.

I sighed frustratingly, immediately regretting collapsing on top of a large expensive couch in the living room that was facing a sixty inch plasma screen TV.

I hope I did not crease or break any of their furniture because it looked as if it costed more than Bill Gates house. I'm not kidding, I wish I was.

The couch was surprisingly very comfortable, as if I could fall asleep on one of these things easily. After lazily slouching for a few minutes, I saw five remotes placed on a mini glass table in front of me.

Wanting to watch TV, I picked up one of the mini remotes and clicked a button towards the TV. Instead of it turning on like I expected it too, it triggered the white blinds near the large windows in the corner of the room to hesitantly close by itself.

I jumped hastily, startled by the sudden winding sound of the blinds descending.

I hastily clicked the button and the blinds came to a sudden halt, midway of closing. I breathed a heavy sigh and glanced back down at the other four remotes placed on the mini glass table.

''Um...'' I breathed, not knowing which remote to use.

I scanned my surroundings, making sure no one would be in sight in case I accidentally burnt the house down by pressing one of these remotes I had no idea did what for which device.

After staring at the remotes for what seemed like an hour, I frustratingly gave up and felt my eyes slightly become heavier as I snuggled into the couch with the fluffy, soft cushions. 

I tried to fight the strong urge to fall asleep but I just couldn't, these couches were so comfortable that I couldn't resist.

I felt at ease as I fell into a deep sleep.


Suddenly, I was snapped back to reality once I felt a soft and gentle substance rub along the side of my left cheek. My eyes urgently fluttered open and all I could see was a beautiful Hispanic woman that I assumed and hoped was the maid, confusingly staring back at me as I had begun to sit upright.

I slowly glanced down, seeing a large feather duster that she was firmly holding in her right hand. I squinted my eyes as I tried to recall what just happened.

A feather duster.

She rubbed a feather duster in my face.


That's no weird at all, I thought sarcastically. 

I wiped the sleepiness from my eyes and was unexpectedly caught off guard when the woman had wrapped me up in a nice warm embrace. Wow, I am so not used to this.

''You must be Lacey! Hi love, I am Valeria.'' I gently but slowly pulled back, not making anything seem awkward between us. I hated hugs, always have. I never liked any form of affection. I once did up until everything had changed on my twelfth birthday. But that's a whole other story.

Valeria appeared to be in her late forty's with short black hair and she had a very bulge figure like a normal mother would, except for rich and sophisticated mother's like Katherine O'Connell who look perfect twenty four/seven. 

''Hi.'' I briefly replied as I rubbed my eyes till I could properly wake up. 

''Have you had anything to eat yet?'' She asked curiously, clearly noticing how thin I was. I self consciously wrapped my arms around my chest, feeling somewhat violated once she glanced down at my body.

''No, I haven't. I don't really eat much.''

Before you go thinking I have an eating disorder, I don't. But when your in child protective surfaces your whole life like I have been, you have to prepare yourself before someone decides to put you in a group home. You have to run, not walk, literally run to the dining room table once it's set for dinner in order to get the chance to have a slice of pizza before the other kids can grab it. If you don't grab one, you starve for the night. 

It's every person for themselves there. 

So if I'm ever sent back to the group home, which will hopefully not be anytime soon, I don't want to stock up on food and then feel the pain of starvation later. If I'm prepared for it, it wont be as bad next time.

''Here, I'll make you something...''

''No, it's fine,'' I piped up hastily. ''Is it okay if you can show me my room?''

''Only if you eat sometime later on.'' she compromised.

Ugh. ''Fine...''

She grinned brightly, beginning to lead the way towards the large silver staircase that led up to the large bedrooms. She halted on the first door to the right, turning the door knob to enter what appeared to be my new bedroom for the next few months.

Say what you want about Katherine, but she has very good taste when it comes to decorating. The decorating for the room was spectacular, I could seriously live in here for the rest of my life and never get bored of it. There were no floral motifs anywhere, and the room deemed appropriate for someone older. 

The intense dark red tones of the draperies and bedding, the sweet innocence of the luxurious furniture, and the red-and-black photographs in vivid frames made me feel like I was now a woman.


Alright would be an understatement. 

Now all I need is to hang up some MCR and Three Days Grace posters, stock up the CD rakes with all my favorite CD's and I'll be right at home. Oh! And hide packs of cigarettes under my mattress.

But first I need cigarettes.

And a lighter...

And money to buy it.

Fuck. I'm broke. 

My eighteen year old friend back at the group home used to buy me whatever I wanted in exchange for something. I always gave in, of course. I'd do anything for a smoke after a while.

Before I even knew what happened, Valeria swiftly returned with a plate of food. I hadn't even noticed that she even left beforehand.

What the hell? She was gone? How did she prepare all this food in such a short amount of time?

''This was in the fridge. Brandon didn't have enough time to eat this morning so I kept it in the fridge for you. There's three chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries and blueberries in a small little bowl and a glass of orange juice.''

''Oh,'' I was surprised, but quickly took the food out of her hands anyway. ''Thank you. I appreciate it.''

''Its okay my love.''

Before she turned on her heel to leave my new bedroom, I quickly asked. ''Hey Valeria? What are Brandon and Cole like?''

She hesitantly whipped around to face me, confusingly not responding to my question. She seemed a little uncomfortable as if she didn't know how to answer a simple question.

''Just...'' Valeria began, ''Brandon and Cole are people you shouldn't mess around with, trust me honey. Just don't mess around with them or the people they love. It's not worth it.''

And with that, she disappeared back into the living room, leaving me completely and utterly confused.

What did she mean by that?

Well...I guess I'm going to have to find out for myself.

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