Chapter 8 - Broken Silence

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The Autobots returned with Zarina and Optimus but Optimus was dropped by a helicopter so everyone can look over him whilst Zarina rode in IronHide until getting out of him. Director Galloway came over with his members and everyone else felt threatened, "What is the meaning of this- you dare point a gun at me?! You want a piece of me?! I will tare you apart!' IronHide threatened as his pointed his cannons at them whilst standing over Zarina protecting her with what he has although Lennox and his team was trying to stop it all. "N.E.S.T team's deactivated major, you are to cease and return to Diego Carsia" "No we take our orders from General Warshours" "I've seen your chairman of the joint chiefs and have erased you from the president of the United States, I have authorised command now. The secret is out! This is our war now and we will win it like we always have. You won't be needing this anymore, get your assets back to base" Galloway ripped a badge off of Lennox and drove off with his intruding soldiers.

Zarina stormed off whilst everyone was distracted but IronHide seemed to notice and followed her, she took off her jacket revealing only the vest she had underneath and slammed her back against the wall sliding down until she managed to rest her arms and head on her knees until she heard IronHide's deep voice. She glanced at him "I'll miss him too Zarina" he told her "I can't believe he's.. gone. I feel so alone" she looked back towards what was in front of her. "You're not going to be alone, I promise" "You can't promise that IronHide" "Yes I can.." She looked at her knees, "Are you gonna run off with the autobots? Go away where I can't find you..?" He put a finger on her chin making her look at him "What? No, no, never. I would never do that... I want to be where you are Zarina" her eyes opened wide as she was confused, "Not as what you humans have it.. I mean as partners" Zarina smiled and accepted his request, "thanks IronHide, you're ok sometimes" they both smiled and went back to the others for departure. Lennox and Epps watched her return from her talk with IronHide and Epps smiled whilst walking off with her "You two are really meant for each other" he smirked and Lennox laughed a little bit while Zarina blushed and grinned slightly but soon lost the embarrassment "It's not like that" and they continued to walk away.

Later that night, the authority who worked in their location got a call to say that they needed to head to Egypt and that there was actually something to revive Optimus and it was going to be in Sam's possession as he knew where it was so they had no choice to go. They arrived in Egypt and set flares off to let Sam know where they were and they waited, "I hope this kid knows what he's doing" Epps confessed "Yeah me too" Lennox agreed whilst looking around for any sign of Sam or decepticons. "Zarina.." she looked behind her to see IronHide look down at her "Stay close.." he ordered her so she wouldn't run off to get into danger.

A battle eventually began and everyone was fighting and shooting one another and Sam reunited with the soldiers but struggled to get to Optimus, it became a struggle for IronHide and Zarina and they were almost in the middle of the battle and Zarina struggled for cover until Megatron appeared to be near them and he blasted one of his weapons so everyone managed to run until it stopped chasing them. The wind from the Weapon made an explosion and it blasted a few people but Megatron managed to hit Sam and get him unconscious and the same happened with Zarina as she was bashed into a wall after being blown by the weapon. IronHide saw this and crawled to her so he wouldn't be hit "Zarina! Get up!" there was no response from her so he grabbed her and put her under him for protection until she came round from her slumber.

Optimus was revived and he fought Megatron and the fallen with his near gear and he defeated both of them in the same fight. Zarina became conscious and saw IronHide nowhere so she assumed he was with the other autobots, she bumped into Optimus and was tearing up so he crouched down to her whilst she ran to him and hugged his hand tightly. They walked back and the autobots loved to see Optimus back but IronHide questioned where Zarina was until Optimus revealed her behind him and IronHide walked to her and she comforted all of them as well IronHide and Optimus. All the soldiers were now calm and Sam's parents and Mikayla were happy to see Sam alive and they all went home across the sea. Zarina approached IronHide and put her hand on his vehicle mode, "thank you.. for believing in me, IronHide" she confessed to IronHide and they all went home safely.


(Hello, me again, I'm actually a bit happy to get the first two films done in Zarina's story as I'm quite irritated by trying to spell Mikayla's name like that instead of it being what it needs to be but that's the closest I could get to her name. I wanted to make Zarina's knock out scene a bit dramatic but I don't really want it to be 'too' dramatic so lowered it down quite a bit.)

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