Chapter 2.5

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We were swept -literally- off our feet by long ropes. The scenery changed, revealing 4 tents and the other side of the archway. "Hey! What the heck is going on?!" I shouted.
"Don't ask me! I'm not the one who made a secret school in the middle of the forest!"
Fair point. I stopped resisting, knowing it would only make the ropes tighter. Instead, I reached up- down, whatever you want to call it- and held on. I slowly wriggled my feet out from the loop and dropped down to the ground. Poor Tammy fell over, but he had, for the most part, done the same thing as me. At least he made it down, right?

Three elves- two women and a man-made walked up to us. Th lady in purple simply stated, "Welcome, waywards. Everyone, back to your lessons. You two, come with us."
We followed her into the largest of the tents, a big black one. The adults walked over to three buckets of paints, and Lady Purple dipped her hand in her bucket. She placed it on my arm, and said, "Don't touch it. It should be dry in by the end of the day."
She did the exact same to Linh.
"You have been chosen for the Ambi Hemisphere. Follow me to the Ambi tent."
She explained that we couldn't use our abilities, we were here to work on skills, and skills only, blah, blah, blah. We made it to the tent and sat together. This was going to be interesting.

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