Chapter 4

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Our days had become routine now- wake up, have any breakfast we found the night before, head to Exillium, lessons, lunch, more lessons, "home". And "home" just-so-happened to be a small camp in a clearing in the neutral territories.
It was our fourth week of Exillium, and today we were working on body-temperature regulation. So naturally, we were in a snowy area with a frozen lake. It would've been beautiful, had it not been filled with struggling waywards.

The trick for body-temperature regulation was similar to the trick for night vision- focus on the warmth, and wrap it around yourself like a blanket. I struggled a little bit, so I practiced all through lunch. Now I'm pretty good.
Anyway, the rest of the week was mostly holding your breath and blinking, two of my least favorite skills, but it wasn't very eventful...

Until, that is, we left.

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