Chapter 3

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"Today we will be working on night vision." She turned of the old lamps and led us out into the forest.
"Well that explains the dark woods," I thought. (Sorry about the whole thoughts-in-quotations thing. I can't get italics to work.)
We made our way through to a clearing, then stopped. We were told to focus on the little but of light we could see, and build on it. "Huh," I thought. "This isn't so bad."

I was NOT very good at this, being, y'know, the dark-and-broody type that doesn't go outside much. Linh seemed to be doing okay, though, so I see it as a win. She looked pretty happy with herself, from the small portion of her face I could see properly. These masks were stupid. Anyway, her face quickly changed from pleased to hungry when we were dismissed for lunch. We each got a single piece of fruit, and we sat alone at an old wooden table. We were sent back, and a few hours later, left for "home".

We each received one small leaping bead to use the next , then leapt back to our small camp. A few Waywards didn't receive beads, so I'm assuming they didn't work sufficiently and are paying the price. Basically, no free lunch unless they somehow find Exillium themselves and are redeemed. Whatever. Their problem, no mine, I guess? I'm not very good with this whole "every elf for themselves" thing.

Phew. The day was finally over. Linh and I found some wildberries, ate them, and went to bed, hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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