the ANNOYING* new kid.

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Ugh! Mrs. Packerton really told Sal to sit next to Travis, and not only that he also got called a "troublemaker" in the process. That was just great, wasn't it? Just one little joke and suddenly he causes so much trouble. Any other kid could have made that comment and would've gotten away with it! And it wasn't even really a joke either, it was just a question phrased in a slightly-rude-but-mostly-funny way. That was it.

Now there was even more reason to not pay attention to class, or the students, or anything. Because now he has to deal with this little freak case sitting next to him! It could be any other kid but it just had to be Sal.

"Well, I forgive you for that comment earlier, man. A lot of people say rude things like that on accident and-" Suddenly Travis heard Sal's annoying voice talking from the desk next to him. He was probably zoning out again.

Travis looked over at this total idiot and shook his head, "Huh, that's weird. I didn't apologize. Are you deaf too or something?" He tilted his head, asking Sal the question like he was some sort of little kid. Ugh, Travis hated being treated like a child himself, but he still proceeded to treat others that way. Weird.

After a few minutes passed of neither one of them talking, Travis just rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"You know, you're a real douche." Sal pointed out. As if it wasn't obvious already! In fact, it was so obvious, that almost the whole entire school knew about how Travis acted. It wasn't like something he tried to hide.

And, besides! He didn't even have anything to hide. Travis was just a kid in highschool who played football and was the pastor's son. That was it. Nothing more to it!

Looking back over at Sal, Travis had the most puzzled look on his face. Did this new kid just say he accepted an apology that didn't even exist before calling Travis a douche? What was this kid on?

Sal noticed Travis's confused look and decided to continue on with his reasoning to just why he was a douche. As if people haven't tried to call him out on it before. "I try to give people second chances after messing up, you know. But for you to just continue on being a bitch? Takes a big douche to do that."

"I get it, I'm an asshole. Tell me something I don't know." Travis sharply responded back, rolling his eyes, "Not my fault this school is filled with sensitive freaks like you. Well, you're clearly more of a freak than the others with that.. thing, you wear." 

"I already told you. It's a prosthetic!" Well, with this freak kid raising his voice, it unfortunately caught the attention of Mrs. Packerton. 

Wasn't that just great!

"Quiet down, boys. We don't want two kids making trouble in here now, do we? One's enough." Mrs. Packerton ridiculed the two of them. It didn't make sense though! Travis was just responding to what Sal was saying.

Now Travis was back to being called a troublemaker every single second of his damn day just because of this random new kid! How was he so important that clearly how he was treated was overplayed and all of that? Dumb question. Obviously it was just people treating Sal with pity. Nothing more than that.

Travis rolled his eyes before writing something down on his notebook. It was like the world and God were against him, with how he was always watched and expected to be so good as the "pastor's son" and then the teacher sat one of the most annoying kids down right next to him.

Sal didn't really take to Mrs. Packerton's remark though, laughing quietly. "You know, if people talked to you the same way you talked to them, man, I bet you'd just lose it." He glanced over at Travis. 

"She already told us to shut up. So shut it, you freak face." Travis grumbled, staring down at his notebook and not even taking one look at Sal.

"Yeah, I'm the freak face." Sal mocked his comment, "I'm not the one with a giant black eye on his face though. You probably got it from a fight or something. Really are the troublemaker Mrs. Packerton says you are, huh?" He made sure to just whisper what he was saying, he didn't want to get in trouble but he wanted to teach Travis a thing or two about the way he treats other people.

Ugh! Sal really had the nerve to act like that. Sure, it was like how Travis was commenting on his mask, but still. Whatever.

Travis wasn't even focusing on what he was doing, all that he knew is that he stood up and slammed his and on the table before yelling at Sal. "Keep that stupid faggot mouth of your's shut or I'm going to beat your ass, I swear!"

All eyes were on the two of them.

All eyes, including Mrs. Packerton. "Travis Phelps!" She raised her voice to get the boy's attention, "You know we do not tolerate any sort of violence in this school! Including threats. You have detention after school today, and you'll be damn as hell lucky if the office doesn't call your father. Which, you're going to go there. Right now."

"But, miss! That stupid-.. That kid was just wanting me to get mad at him and just- Ugh!" Travis, obviously, was pissed off. And normally, when he got mad, he got mad at everybody and everything around him, not even thinking about the consequences he could get.

Sal put his hands up as if he was surrendering, "I wasn't doing anything, I promise. I'm just trying to focus on my work, I have no idea why any of this happened. I swear." That little liar!

"Phelps. Office, now. Or you're going to get a week's worth of detention instead of just today." Mrs. Packerton commanded, glaring at Travis as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of class before continuing on with class like nothing had even happened. 

Was it just normal for him to have little outbursts like that? Mrs. Packerton acted a little bit too normal after the situation was delt with.

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