the freak gang.

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[ʀᴇᴄᴀᴘ ᴏꜰ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Travis went home and got a lecture from Kenneth, which surprisingly wasn't that aggressive or violent until he started to "talk back" after saying he didn't want to make dinner after having to do it for most of the week anyways. So Kenneth ended up hitting him and he was sent to bed hungry for the night.]

Finally it was Friday and it was time for school! Travis barely could sleep, even though the only thing he wanted to do was sleep. Now he had to go through the day exhausted, which was going to be amazing! Especially at football practice after school.

It was, in fact, not going to be amazing.

Not only that, the slap from yesterday had made another mark on his face. It wasn't like Travis had to worry about people noticing the bruises. They never said anything about it, at least people who weren't freaks. Even with them, it was just little remarks about how they were from fights and stuff like that. So, it just had to mean that it was normal!

Well, Travis wore the jacket he always wore. The tan one with the cross he messily drew onto it and the plaid patch? It was like he never took it off. Ever. Not like he'd want people to see his arms anyways, the cheer girls would probably flaunt about them just as much as they flaunt about the "tall bad guy on the football team" who they could "totally change." It was completely stupid! Travis didn't even like any of them either. Besides, who would like someone like them? Ugh.

Eventually, he got to the front of the school. It wasn't that far of a walk; from his house to the school. Some days he did prefer to get a ride though but he knew his father would never drive him. Honestly, he's thankful for it too. That man is almost always drunk unless it's at church.

People were talking about stupid, little things. About how bad the lunch food was, the cute boys at the school, the stupid music they listen to, the upcoming football game. Well, the football game wasn't that stupid! Travis was on the football team after all.

After all, he had to be the good pastor's son who was a good football player. Nothing sinful behind it! Just the son of Kenneth Phelps. Was he really anything else but that?

At least he wasn't like that freak! Or ... his friends? What the hell!

Turns out that the new kid became friends with some other weird kids at the school. Like Ashley, that weird emo freak who took pictures of everything.. and that weird redhead gay kid, and ... Johnson! Ugh! Of course. That greasy kid who somehow still made it onto the football team even with his shitty grades and sinful, and just bad, music taste.

It wasn't like Travis expected that kid to make any normal friends anyways. Especially looking the way he did!

Well, there were some other weird kids hanging out around them but Travis didn't care about them. Why would he care about some emo kids he didn't know a thing about? Only the ones who bothered him.

Travis just pushed his way past the freak group, in the process 'accidently' shoving that Johnson kid a little bit too hard.

"Watch where you're going, Phelps!" That was a quick response, not like Travis cared though. The two of them had always had some sort of rivalry and hatred, it just started at the end of middle school and went on from there. Never ending, and never getting better. Besides, they both thought that both of them were freaks! And why would they be friends with some freak?

Travis just rolled his eyes and kept walking. Ugh, who was he to listen to Johnson? Besides, he should've been aware of what was going on around him and move out of Travis's way. Not like he was pushed.

But, of course, he just had to be their new topic to talk about. "Yeah, don't mind him, Sal. He always just has to think he's better than everyone and shit like that!" Johnson laughed it off. It wasn't true though, Travis just thought that he was better than those freak kids. That was it. In fact, he thought a lot of people were better than him! Like Jesus, or his father, people like that. People that weren't weird!

"I've already had to deal with him before. I have to sit next to him in one of my classes .. it sucks!" Sal shrugged.

Suddenly, Travis just seemed to become the talk of the whole group. They were just so loud about it too. Not like he cared though! He couldn't care less about them. Besides, school started soon and he had to make sure he could focus in class. Or at least focus as much as he could. It wasn't his fault that school was so boring!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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