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The cafeteria was noisy and crowded with everybody talking about the rumors about the bologna sandwiches. Ugh! They were so stupid and crazy. If anything was wrong with the bologna, the students wouldn't be served it. It's obvious that the rumors were just bullshit, but everybody just seemed to believe it. Or at least keep spreading them and gossiping.

Everything was just like normal. Except, in one little corner of the cafeteria, there was an empty spot. Really, more like an empty table, since nobody really sat there. 

Well, Travis sat there normally, but he wasn't even in the cafeteria. Or in any classrooms. It was like he was hiding, but why would he do that? He wasn't a pussy! It wasn't like anybody noticed his absence though. Either everybody kept to themselves and their own groups, or just nobody cared about Travis and his dickass way of acting.

Nobody cared to the point that if some guy went to use the bathroom, he wouldn't give a shit about the random little sniffles that came from one of the stalls or random bang of the wall like it was being hit. Probably just thought some dude was in there having a "really nice time" or some shit.

In reality, Travis was in there. Bruised, bloody knuckles and all.

It was weird that he would miss bologna sandwiches to just hide in the bathroom like a complete bitchboy. Especially if it was just from one little thing like what happened in math. Moments like he had with Sal were normal, he was a bully after all. It was his thing to be mean and cause things to happen! Unless... something did happen.

Oh, God. Did his father end up getting a call from the school?

blue is the rarest roseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang