1.5 | Black And Blue

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Tough times never last but tough people do.
- Robert H. Schuller

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TW: Drugged, Attempted Assualt

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TW: Drugged, Attempted Assualt

⊱ ──── {⋆🐴⋆} ──── ⊰

Arizona flattened out the dress she was wearing, the white dress was matched with some high heels. She had pinned her hair up and taken extra time on her make-up, she was nervous for this date but at the same time, she was extremely excited for it. Arizona grabbed her purse and double checked to make sure her purse and keys were in there along with her pepper spray and taser ─ Beth was adamant about her carrying it ─ before she made her way downstairs where Rip and John stood talking.

She beamed happily when both important men turned to her, they were glad to see her smiling but Rip still held his doubts due to Arizona's past relationship. "You carrying?" John asked with a raised brow. "Sure am," Arizona answered easing John's worries. "Well, I will be back later tonight. Don't wait up!" Arizona told them before making her way out of the main house on the Ranch. She adjusted the strap of her purse over her shoulder before looking up to see Ryan and Colby talking to Lloyd and another cowboy. "Wow, Zee. You look good," Lloyd said as he noticed the younger woman.

The three men turned to Arizona who flushed pink under their attention, she began playing with a section of her dress nervously. "I've got a date with Shane," Arizona told them with a small smile, she stepped closer to the four men who had different reactions. Colby and the other cowboy smiled happily for the girl while Lloyd held worry and doubt in his gaze. But Ryan, he tried his best to smile for the woman but he wasn't happy. He wouldn't ruin the night for her, he would show her respect in her decision to go on the date like a good friend would despite wishing he was taking her out instead.

"Are you ready, Arizona?" Shane asked as he walked up to the group, she smiled and nodded before kissing Lloyd's cheek; making her way past the others with a wave before allowing Shane to lead her to his car with his hand on her lower back. She climbed into the passenger seat of the car and pulled on her seatbeat, she let out a shaky breath as Shane climbed into the car. "You are gonna love tonight," Shane told her before starting the car and driving down the road out of the Ranch. Arizona felt anxious, she hadn't been on a date in quite some time but ever since Shane showed up, he had shown an interest so it was worth a try.

⊱ ──── {⋆🐴⋆} ──── ⊰

Shane pulled up in front of a nice restaurant leaving Arizona feeling under-dressed as she followed him into the building. "Hi, I have a booking under Jones," Shane told the host by the entrance, he looked down at the list before nodding. "Right this way," The host spoke before leading the two to a table near the back away from prying eyes. "I'll be right back with the menus," The host told them before walking away as Arizona sat down, Shane sitting across from her. "This is a very nice place," Arizona told Shane with a smile as she looked around.

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