Chapter 2

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Above is the Intro so to speak, after the First Half, you can stop, but Imagination is the only thing helping you make it a full Animated Intro in your Mind

Currently, Mina and Izuku were at a Cafe, as Mina took him there, where she asked him a few Questions, before Izuku answered, as she wanted to know his Entire story, so he told her, which made her Sad, Angry and make her feel other Emotions aswell, some she never even thought, she would have

The 2 then only became friendlier with each other, as both had a New Friend

Mina had even developed a small Crush on the Green haired Boy, they had a bit of Cake and after paying, as Mina payed, as much as Izuku was against it, she told him, that he could pay next time, as they are friends and they will hang out more often, so they did, hanging out for 3 Months, they got close, really close, as Mina's Small Crush, grew bigger, with Izuku also developing feelings for her

1 night, when they were walking, Izuku taking her Home, they saw All Might land somewhere, Izuku and Mina walked over to only see All Might talk to Izumi and the Gang, they listened in and were shoxked and surprised, after he reveals himself as Izuku and Izumi's Father and that he was once Quirkless too

Izuku hearing this just ran away, as Mina followed him

"Izumi, you shall Inherit OFA" A.M said, as she denied it

"No thanks, I wanna do this on my Own" she said, as the 2 looked over at Bakugou, looking ready to accept, Todoroki denying it and Ochahoe simply looking away, not caring at all


Izuku ran up a Abandoned Building, as Mina followed him, running up the Stairs, as she saw Izuku on the Edge, panting and breathing heavily

"Izuku please don't do this" she pleaded, as Izuku looked at her, tears streaming down his Face

"Why me huh? Why do I have to Suffer?" Izuku asked, as Mina just slowly, very slowly approached him, with Izuku just complaining

"I want to live, but I want my Dreams to become a Reality too" he said, as a sudden Wind pushed him, Mina yelling, as she ran at him, trying to Grab him, as Izuku started falling down, his Hair turned Black, everything happened in Slow-Motion, suddenly, he heard a Voice

"Awaken my Power, make it yours and live to safe the Day" a voice said, Izuku suddenly closed his Eyes and Concentrated, breathing in and out, getting his Breathing under control, he then got his Mind under Control, as he started to Glow, before, he stopped right above the Ground, Mina watching in shock, as the Light dissapeared and there stood Izuku, now looking different

Even his Clothes changed, as he suddenly wore Earrings, and he watched, as he flew a bit, rising towards the Sky, as he landed near Mina, who just hugged him

"I thought I lost you" she said, as the 2 embraced each other, as Mina then looked him over and smiled

"I like what I see" she said, as she looked very smug, with Izuku just chuckling

"Maybe later I can show you some more" he said, making the Girl looked Surprised and made her Blush hard, as Izuku simply looked smug at her, as she looked away, trying to cover her face, as Izuku started laughing, then suddenly he felt the urge to wear Glasses, so he created some

(As a reminder on what he wears)

"Ok so I will use Glasses from now on" Izuku said, as Mina chuckled, her Blush going away

Izuku hadn't been home in 2 Months, yet his Parenty never noticed, or cared, his Sister, noticed, but didn't care

So Izuku was sleeping at Mina's, as he Parents apparently were gone for a long Time, because of Business, so they were in America, but wished her Luck, for UA, were now Izuku and she decided, it was possible, all he has to do now, is Master his New Powers, then he can finally be a Hero

So Izuku had started Training, as he remembered his Dreams, now being Memories, thus knowing mostly everything he needed to know, on how to go on with his Training

One day he met another Girl, Momo Yaoyorozu, he had to save her, as she was almost raped by a gang too, until Izuku atepped in and beat the shit out of the Men, being that they were the same man, months earlier, trying to rape Mina, so Izuku made sure to Break their Arms

"Thank you" the Girl said, as Izuku simply smiled at her

"No Problem, I'm Izuku Ya.... uhm, sorry that isn't who I am anymore, I am Son Goku, just call me Goku" Izuku introduced himself, as the Girl looked surprised at his Kindness

"Momo Yaoyorozu" she said, as Izuku extended a Hand to her, so he can shake her Hand

Momo simply chuckled at his Childish expression, but Izuku sinply called her a Friend, then hugged her, before asking where she lives

After she answered, he flew her Home, then later flew to Mina's House, as he slept there for a long time


Momo was laying in her Bed, having a Blush, as she just covered her face with a Pillow and screamed into it, like a Teenage Girl in TV-Shows ... oh wait

Anyways, Momo kept thinking about Izuku, or for her Son Goku, Goku, she really liked the Name

'Goku, Goku, Goku, kyaaaa, I can't believe I already found someone I want to Marry, rather then that Stupid Todoroki' she thought, as she slowly drifted off into Sleep

End of Chapter 2

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