The raiding

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Giyuu was helping his older sister Tsutako get groceries since she was dealing with some body issuses and he wanted her safe. "Giyuu if you want to go home you can." She said seeing his eyes looking up even though Giyuu is inept when is comes to his emotions she can always tell what's on his mind. Giyuu grabbed her fingers and put his head on arm. They started walking to their house when they heard an explosion and screams saying the same thing. "PIRATES!" Tsutako immediately dropped everything and grabbed Giyuus arm and started running as fast as she could. A man tackled Tsutako to the ground who definitely wasn't from the village. Giyuu immediately started pulling him to get him off. "Leave my big sister alone!" Giyuu shouted he started to cry. The man back handed him hard enough to send him flying into a wall. Giyuu passed out he didn't know how long he was out until he woke up tied to a mass stand. All the sails were up and Tsutako was next to him looking at him worried. "You're up thank gods. Are you in any pain?" She asked looking a bit more happy. Giyuh looked around to see them on a ship and the waters and winds all say that a huge storm was coming. "We need to get off this ship it's heading right into a storm a big one too!" He immediately tried to get out of the rope when a foot stomped hard near his head when giyuu looked there was a boy around his age with peach hair and lavender eyes. "What's that you said about a storm?" He asked in a serious tone.

SabiGiyuu pirate AUWhere stories live. Discover now