The storms meeting

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The boy was pretty cute his lavender eyes were looking dead into Giyuus dark blue and the peach hair of the pirate went to his shoulder and left a clear veiw of his face. Giyuu moved his leg to the left causing the boy fall over on his ass. "Your heading for a storm you can tell by the lack of clouds and the winds extremely weak." Giyuu said looking up at the sky. The boy got up and stomped on Giyuus man part. Giyuu looked at the boy and asked "you gonna perpare for the storm or change deraction?" The boy stormed below deck. The men on the ship started trying to force Tsutako to strip down or tear to off her clothes Giyuu kept trying to get out of his rope and shouting at them to leave her alone. The storm hit almost out of nowhere as the pirates were trying to get supplies under deck and pull the sails up the boy ran back out and started yelling orders. He slipped and nearly hit Giyuu. The peach haired pirate shouted "You know how to sail in a storm right?" Giyuu nodded and the pirate untied the ropes. Giyuu noticed the pirates hand was by a gun. Giyuu ran and got the sails that were down angled to the direction that would take them out of the storm and ran to the wheel after half an hour of dealing with the storm they were out of the storm out on peaceful waves. The boy put his arm around Giyuu and pressed a knife against his neck. "Tell me where did you learn that." The boy seemed curious. Giyuu simply rolled his eyes and said "I was raised by fishers and I read a lot about navigation." The boy laughed and guided him into a room that wasn't below deck but it was decorated a bit. "I never introduced myself did I?" He asked closing the door and grabbing two cups from the shelf and poured in something that looked like rum. Giyuu kept silent noting everything in the room. "My name is Sabito. I'm the captain of this ship. You are?" Sabito took a sip of one of the cups. "Giyuu Tomioka." He responded. Sabito walked up to Giyuu with the other glass and handing to him before saying the one sentence that would put Giyuu into a pinch. "Well Giyuu I need a navigator so, will you become part of the crew?"

SabiGiyuu pirate AUWhere stories live. Discover now